Kalvan was in his temporary quarters at a former banking house, going over the map of mopping-up operations in Greffa City, when he was approached by Vanar Halgoth. "Your Majesty, I have a delegation of Greffan nobles. They have asked to speak to you in person."

"Let them in, Vanar." So far things had gone surprisingly well during the sacking of the City. The soldiers had, for the most part, acted in a disciplined manner, limiting their rapine and pillage to the outskirts of Greffa in the low-rent district. The City itself was almost intact except for the Companions' barracks where the Guard had fought to the last man. He'd had to set the barracks on fire to take care of the last holdouts; no sense in wasting the lives of valuable men to kill fanatics who would not surrender.

Halgoth nodded and Kalvan noticed his two Tymannian Guardsmen perked up instantly.

He checked the priming on the pistol he kept close at hand on his desk. After two days of occupying Greffa, there hadn't been any assassination attempts, but there'd been others in Hostigos Town and Thagnor City. In fact, many of the Greffans had acted as if the Hostigi were liberators rather than conquerors, which didn't say much for Theovacar's rule.

The delegation of six was led by a tall man with a lantern jaw and sad eyes, wearing a somber burgundy doublet and matching breeches. It was obvious from their bearing and the richness of their apparel that they were members of the Greffan nobility.

The tall man opened with, "Your Majesty, my name is Duke Ruffulo." He made a sweeping bow.

Kalvan nodded in return. He felt grubby in comparison with his un-trimmed beard, battle-scarred back-and-breast and stained breeches. "What can We do for you?"

"Your Majesty, I have been delegated by the Greffan Assembly of Lords to meet with Your Majesty to offer you the Throne of Greffa."

Kalvan picked up his pipe and started to load the barrel, in an attempt to keep from showing his surprise. Why would they offer me the Iron Throne? Do they hate Theovacar that much, or are they afraid that he will blame them for the loss of his capital? Since they're going to die anyway, maybe they'd rather be called traitors than die as bunglers.

"Why, may We ask, do you offer me a City We already have in Our possession?"

Ruffulo straightened his back. "Great King Kalvan, we ask you to rule our City because we have heard of your fairness and good rule. Theovacar is a ruthless tyrant and a murderer. He rules over all of us as if we are his personal chattel. He uses his Companions to enforce his will. If we complain or resist, he puts us and our families in the Great Dungeon, from which no one ever returns.

"Up until now, no outsider has been strong enough to actually take the City. Instead of seeing this as a tragedy, we have decided it may be our best and only opportunity to free ourselves from Theovacar's yoke."

Kalvan nodded thoughtfully. This is no time for dissembling, perhaps something lasting will come out of this. "In actuality, I was planning to loot your fair City; then blow the walls down and destroy the entire City as a warning to your King. My engineers are laying out the charges as we speak."

"Your Majesty, we were afraid of that. I know that you will not kill the innocent Citizens of Greffa; however, Theovacar will blame us for the sacking of Greffa, and many of us will lose our heads. All, this, because he stripped the City of its defenses to attack you without provocation in Thagnor. The proof of our treason will be the fact that we did not die in defense of our City, despite the fact that we were outnumbered and outfought. I do not speak just for myself, but for all the people of Greffa, as well as my friends and family, who do not want to go into exile to survive our King's return."

Kalvan lit his pipe and took a deep draw of tobacco into his lungs. After expelling a small cloud of smoke, he said, "You will have to excuse me. This is an unexpected turn of events, although I do see that it might work out for Us as well as your people. However, if We add Greffa to my realm of Nos-Hostigos, We will be purchasing the undying enmity of King Theovacar. Is that not true?"

"Yes, Your Majesty; however, by sacking, looting and destroying his capital, you have already purchased it-regardless of whether or not you take Greffa as a vassal. Theovacar is a vengeful man and will not rest until either he or you no longer draw a breath."

"That is a good point, Duke Ruffulo," Kalvan said. "Soon I will have all of Grefftscharr up in arms against Nos-Hostigos; it won't hurt to close the back door by ruling Greffa. However, this will mean changes in both the City's government and laws."

"We have studied your laws and heard about your rule in Hos-Hostigos, as well as your recent investment of Thagnor. We believe our best interests are in serving Your Majesty as loyal subjects of Nos-Hostigos and will resist with our lives any attempt by our former tyrant to re-take the City."

"Thank you, Duke Ruffulo. You have given me much to ponder. I will give you my decision within a quarter moon."
