The League of Dralm Council met at Tarr-Kryphlon to formally declare war on Styphon's House. General Hestophes was given a seat at the foot of the long plank trestle table that ran down the center of the Great Hall. Along both sides sat eight of the eleven Princes of Hos-Agrys, including Prince Aesklos of Zcynos who had lost a leg fighting for Styphon's House several years before. Also seated were Duke Mnestros and his father, Prince Thykarses.

The latest news was that Grand Master Soton and his fleet had reached Agrys Harbor and defeated the Agrysi Navy. It was hardly a surprise, even to Hestophes, since the Agrysi Navy was small, poorly fitted and undermanned. Those Princes whose realms were closest to Agrys City appeared somber or nervous. He suspected that they were worried they'd find their princedoms at war or overrun before they had time to return.

After the Highpriest of Dralm made the opening invocations to Dralm, Speaker Kyphanes, Prince of Meligos, addressed the assembled princes. Kyphanes was a tall man bent by age and worry. There had been rumors in the past that he was in the pay of Styphon's House, but a team of three intelligencers had been unable to uncover any link to the False Temple. In truth, he was a chronic worrier and resistant to change. In many ways, Kyphanes was the embodiment of the worst features of the Agrysi nobility, overly cautious and distrustful.

"My fellow Princes, it is only with great reluctance that I open this meeting of the Council of Dralm. I had prayed to the Allfather that we might avert the coming conflict, but the hounds of war have been unleashed. Grand Master Soton and his army are invading Hos-Agrys without provocation. It is up to the League to help our King and stop the Styphoni before they sack the City and hunt us down one at a time."

There were nods of agreement from most Princes, but a few looked askance.

Prince Kyphanes looked as though he'd just bit down on a bitter seed. "It is my recommendation that we declare war on Styphon's House and send an army to support our Great King."

Prince Ptophlos of Orchon jumped to his feet. "Where was Demistophon when Orchon was invaded by Prince Nador of Pellor? I had to spend my last gold piece and mortgage my palace to get enough mercenaries to keep that Zygrosi cur from adding my domain to his holdings. The King refused to even answer my pleas. As I recall, none of the rest of you were eager to help, either!" Ptophlos plopped back down in his seat, his face set in a grimace.

Hestophes was beginning to resent all the time he'd wasted sailing to Port Glarth and the long overland journey that had followed. I would be a lot more useful back in Thagnor fighting the Grand Host than refereeing this bunch of wastrels.

Prince Thykarses rose to his feet. "We can argue over past mistakes and feuds, or we can concentrate on the crisis at hand. No one here, Oath of Galzar, has more reason to distrust and dislike our Great King than myself. Demistophon sent gold and money to my younger brother to foster a rebellion that only ended when he died in battle."

The assembled Princes nodded as they recalled the rebellion twenty winters ago that had almost split the Princedom of Eubros in half.

"However, I ask that we do not turn away from the hard light of day. Styphon's House will not be content with taking Agrys City and the surrounding territory. No, they want to put one of their puppets onto the Throne of Light and in the seat of every House in Hos-Agrys! If we do not pick up arms to defend our Kingdom, Styphon's House will roll up our Princedoms like a Lyrosi rug. Remember what happened when we dithered over supporting Great King Kalvan of Hos-Hostigos? Now the war has come to our Houses.

"If Styphon's House defeats Demistophon, those Princes who are in the Union of Styphon's Friends will retain their titles but lose most of their powers. The rest of us will be planted in the soil and badly remembered by our subjects, or we will face Investigation by Archpriest Roxthar!"

Everyone at the table paled at the mention of Roxthar's Investigation.

Prince Ptophlos shook his head. "How do we know that these tales are true, and not just Hostigi lies to garner our support?"

Hestophes jumped up, knocking over his chair in the process. The resulting crash got everyone's undivided attention. "Because I was in Hos-Hostigos. I saw the battered peasants and eyeless women and children, and the unending cries of those who had survived the Investigation. Hadrons Own Work! Anyone accused of being a follower of Allfather Dralm was ripe for torture. Anyone with a grudge against a neighbor could report them as a follower of Dralm and they would be Investigated. Many tens of thousands were Investigated throughout the Princedom of Hostigos and only a few hundred lived to tell about their ordeal. And those who did would have been better off dead!

"We know that Arch-Butcher Roxthar is bringing his Investigation along with Master Soton's army and the Red Hand of Styphon to Hos-Agrys. Do any of you believe that Roxthar will leave Agrys until every man, woman and child-regardless of rank and wealth-has been Investigated? If you do, you are worse than fools!"

Hestophes went into further detail about Roxthar and his Investigators. By the time he was finished, all the Princes were in various shades of shock and Hestophes realized why Duke Mnestros and his father had withheld this vital piece of information.

Mnestros rose. "I vouch for his words. I saw the miserable wretches, broken in body and spirit, left in the Investigation's wake! It is time to wake up and face the truth. Styphon's House has broken the contract between man and the True Gods; they are now working for demons. What else could this Styphon be, to allow such practices in his name?"

One of Prince Varion's retainers burst into the Great Hall and rushed over to whisper some words in his master's ear. Varion rose to his feet. "My fellow Princes, two more visitors of import have arrived to inform our Council."

A moment later Primate Xentos, wearing his white robe with a blue eight-pointed star edged in gold, entered the Hall as if it was one of his properties. Xentos' beard and hair were snow-white in contrast to his sun-darkened face. He was followed by a barrel-chested man, wearing a battered breastplate and of obvious military bearing with a bald head and a big mustache.

A sudden hush fell over the Hall.

Hestophes had seen the soldier before, but not in this guise. He wracked his memory trying to remember his name. Wasn't he one of the men at the Royal Foundry? Yes, he remembered the big mustache, but before there'd been a full head of hair: Master Aranth!' Yes, that was his name. A former Greffan soldier who was one of the camp guards. I heard he'd died at the Foundry with all the others.

Aranth looked over the table, spotted Hestophes and nodded, indicating they would talk later.

Xentos went to the head of the table, forcing the Speaker, Prince Kyphanes, to vacate his seat and skulk away. The Primate turned to face the assembled Princes. His new role in the Temple had changed him, Hestophes thought. It is as if Xentos has been touched by the hand of Dralm and now has an aura of power surrounding him!

When Primate Xentos had everyone's undivided attention, he began: "The Spirit of the Allfather has been invoked. You are Dralm's Princes, gathered here in Sacred Council to do His work. In good times Dralm is the God of Peace, but when His Temple is threatened He is the God of Wrath. At this very moment, Dralm's Temple and His priests are in peril from the Godless Heathens who call themselves worshippers of Styphon! It is up to you to destroy them!"

Xentos paused dramatically and cried out. "I had a dream!" Stretching his arms toward the sky, he continued in a lower voice, "In this dream the False Priests of Styphon were hurling burning stones and balls of fire upon our land, tilling the soil of Hos-Agrys and watering it with the blood of the Allfather's faithful. Then suddenly the clouds broke and beams of light arced down from above, shattering the False Idols of Styphon and incinerating his priests. And a voice cried: 'Primate, bring together my squabbling children and set them upon the Godless worshippers and false priests of Styphon!'"

Hestophes wondered why it had taken so long for Xentos to have his "vision." Where had the Primate been when Hostigos had needed Dralm's and the League of Dralm's help? Nor could he help but notice that most of the Princes were squirming in their seats or staring at the Primate enraptured. Xentos continued on in this vein until everyone at the table was either under his spell or about to fall asleep.

Then he caught Hestophes' attention with this pronouncement. "I have been told to expect a leader from the west to come and lead our Army of Dralm. Now, I arrive at Tarr-Kryphlon and find that man, sent by the Allfather, sitting at the Council Table, Dralm be praised. A miracle!"

He pointed to Hestophes saying, "Here is our commander, Captain-General Hestophes, sent by the Allfather to lead the Army of Dralm! A man who has fought at Kalvan's side for four winters."

Every eye at the table was on him. He didn't have time to be nervous about such exalted company, and years at the Hostigos Court had taught him that even nobles put their boots on one at a time-just as commoners did. He rose to his feet and walked up to Primate Xentos' side. "I will command the unified Army of Dralm on one condition. That is, that I am solely in charge. I will brook no arguments and disobedience from anyone; otherwise, I will return to Nos-Hostigos. There is much work there that remains to be done."

Xentos cried out. "You will have your command, Captain-General." He turned his fierce gaze upon the assembled Princes. "Do I have all of your oaths?"

"Not mine, old man!" Prince Aesklos shouted, as he stood and kicked his seat aside.

"Back to Styphon, you double-dealing lapdog," cried Prince Tyromanes of Thebra, pulling out his poignard.

"No blood will be spilled today!" Xentos demanded.

Two Princes rose up to stop him, while Aesklos stomped out of the hall.

"Good riddance," Prince Clytos of Glarth cried. "We should have never trusted a turnface in our councils."

Xentos face was impassive. "Is there anyone else who wishes to challenge the Allfather's orders?"

The Hall was as silent as the Great Temple before the morning prayers.

"I ask for the Council to vote upon Captain-General Hestophes' election to Captain-General of the Army of Dralm. All in favor, raise your arms."

Only three of the princes raised their arms: the rest looked doleful.

Prince Kyphanes rose to his feet. "While it will be helpful to have one of Kalvan's great generals among our own, we need a leader who will command obedience from all our men. A man such as Prince Vython, who is related by blood to Great King Demistophon. As Prince of Agrys, he will bring the largest army in the Kingdom and his weight will sway even those who are not fully committed to our cause."

"How say you, fellow Princes?"

All the Princes, including the three who had voted for Hestophes, raised their arms. Hestophes knew it was a done deal despite the red that showed on Xentos' face.

Xentos turned to him, whispering, "I fear if we challenge them on this question, the whole plan will unravel. You are not known to the Princes, nor do they believe in Kalvans infallibility after his retreat from Hos-Hostigos. I know in my heart that you are the best commander, and the only one who has fought our foes. Your time will come later."

Hestophes was both relieved and stymied. He didn't want to command later, because if there was a "later" it would only be after the League's Army had gone down in defeat.

Xentos banged the table with his staff. "It is now agreed by the full Council of Dralm in the Moon of Long Grass that Prince Vython, Prince of Agrys, will be the Grand Commander of the League of Dralm's Army. All praise the Allfather for his wisdom and expediency!"

"Praise Allfather Dralm," echoed all those seated at the Council Table.

"Time is our enemy," Xentos continued. "Grand Master Soton and his army are already at the City Gates. Prince Vython, tell the Council what men and supplies the Army of Dralm will require."
