"Verkan, what do you mean you're going outtime again?" Dalla cried, "Going to Kalvan's Time-Line at this time is irrational, irresponsible and political suicide, considering the political crisis brewing here on Home Time Line. Remember, you are the Paratime Police Chief now, not Tortha Karf's Special Assistant free to roam the time-lines as you please. You have responsibilities now: to the Force, to the Paratime Commission, to the Executive Council, to Management Party-to me!"

Verkan used several First Level mental techniques to keep both his blood pressure and temper in check. Dalla lecturing him on irresponsibility reminded him of the Fourth Level, Europo-American aphorism: "the pot calling the kettle black."

"I have to," he said. "Our friends, Kalvan and Rylla, think I'm dead! My outfit needs to be reorganized and re-outfitted-"

"Verkan, for your information, your outfit is the Paratime Police, not the Hos-Hostigos Mounted Rifles!"

"Our friends need me."

Dalla's eyes turned icy cold. This was a new Dalla; not one he knew how to counter. "If you leave our home for another dangerous jaunt to Kalvan's Time-Line to play soldier with Kalvan, Tortha, Phrames, Harmakros and the rest of your buddies-"

"Harmakros was killed in the Siege of Tarr-Hostigos, remember?"

"Yes, I remember that, and just how close you came to dying with a bloody big hole in your chest!"

"But I didn't die. In a couple of days I was back on my feet."

"Yes, Verkan. Before you disappeared and no one could find you, I might have put up with that. Not anymore. I think it's time we started a real family, one of our own. Like Kalvan and Rylla have."

"I won't be gone long-just a couple of months. Furthermore, I don't want any more talk of children until things settle down here on Home Time Line."

"How's that going to happen, Verkan, with you jaunting away every time the heat turns up in the Executive Building? There will always be some new crisis to spirit you away. I'm taking a stand here and now. You leave and it will prove our enemies are right-that you are in dereliction of your duty as Paratime Chief! If you leave me here to face this crisis by myself, I won't be here when you get back."Dalla stamped her foot angrily.

"Are you giving me an ultimatum? Is that what this is?"

"That's exactly what this is. Make your choice and live with the consequences."

Verkan felt emotionally adrift. He'd lost Dalla once, when they were both younger and more foolish. He didn't want to go down that lonesome path again.

"How about a compromise?"

"What?" she asked.

"I won't leave for Thagnor, or wherever Kalvan is, until next spring. However, I do want to make a short trip or two to Greffa-to visit Kostran and Zinganna. No real danger there-the Upper Middle Kingdoms are at peace."

"Maybe, but I don't want you haring off to Ulthor or wherever Kalvan is? Do you promise?"

"I promise," he said, wondering even as he made it if he would be capable of keeping his word. His friends were in trouble now, and things were only going to get worse once the Grand Host got off its duff. Maybe he'd learn something in Greffa City that would set his mind to rest-the Europo-American proverb of "whistling in the dark" immediately came to mind.

Now, who was the best man to put in charge of the new Hostigos reconnaissance group?
