Harphax City was like a city in the aftermath of a siege, Sirna decided. Disheveled bodies lay strewn along the cobblestone streets: some were tosspots sleeping off last evening's hangover, others were beggars in rags, but more than a few were blood-soaked corpses from the previous night's riots. These days Harphax City was a dangerous place to travel even by day, forcing her to hire a score of bodyguards to guard her coach. There were very few travelers on the city avenues; however, shadowy forms could be seen lurking in allies and in dark doorways.

The furtiveness of its inhabitants was beginning to remind her of Hostigos Town after it was sacked by the Grand Host: the ruined buildings, the constant smoke, the pale, drawn faces of the citizens-everything but the white robed Investigators. She would love to have been able to leave Harphax City for one of the smaller towns where she would be safe, but she had obligations to the Queen as Lavena's only friend. Furthermore, Sirna was also working for the Harpahxi Study Team, which would allow her to return to Home Time Line and Dhergabar University in something other than disgrace-unless she bugged out.

If she demanded it, the Study Team would provide her with a paratemporal conveyer to take her back to Home Time Line. She still found it hard to believe that she would be treated as a celebrity. But the thought brought her little comfort. She did not want her escapades of the past year broadcast throughout Dhergabar City and First Level. Her privacy was more important than any fleeting fame.

Besides, even with all the furor of Harphax City, she was safe here from Hadron Tharn's machinations.

Ahead loomed the stone towers of Tarr-Harphax, the Great Queen's last refuge. Two ten-days ago, rioters had attacked the Palace, breaking in and setting it on fire. If it hadn't been for the King's Bodyguard, the Queen would have died there. Now she was ensconced in a stone fortress.

There were armed soldiers at every gateway and Sirna was frisked more than once. It took her half a candle before she was presented to the Queen in her private audience chamber. The room was dark and dank, and you could see the moisture stains on the wall where the hangings and tapestries met. Lavena looked shrunken, as though she was falling into herself, while her big belly hung down on her frame. Her face was wan and she hadn't bothered to put any makeup on-a first.

"Sirna!" she cried, jumping up.

They hugged tightly, and Sirna was concerned by the fact that she could feel Lavena's rib bones poking through her flesh.

"Your Majesty, are you all right?"

"I'm here all alone," she said, as her eyes began to well. "Dralm-damnit!" she cried, as she wiped her eyes with the edge of her robe. "I don't know these people, and I don't trust any of them, either. The guards look me over like a fresh piece of meat. And that oily Chancellor Lyphannes; he'd sell me out for a silver service setting!"

Sirna had met the Chancellor and noticed that he couldn't meet her eyes. She wondered if he was selling out to Prince Selestros' faction or had designs on the Throne for himself.

"I'll stay here with you, if you want," she heard herself say.

"Thank you, Sirna, thank you. You don't know how much that means to me."

"You need to eat more, you have to think of the baby."

"I know, I know. I've just been so worried…"

What am I thinking? Sirna asked herself.At least, my guards are loyal, since they were picked out by Maldar Dard. Besides, it's partially my fault Lavena's in this predicament. If only I hadn't titled that play King Kaiphranos.

"How are things on the streets?" Lavena asked.

It sounded as if the Queen was starved for information. Her courtiers probably didn't want to pass on more bad news, or didn't care.

"Things are calm at the moment. That will probably change at dusk, when most of the soldiers return to their barracks. Only a few will do night duty and they keep to the better parts of town." Where they get bribes to stay on guard from the merchants and the nobles.

"If only the army could keep the curfew."

Probably not, because many of them are among the worst of the rioters, certainly the looters.

"Maybe it's time to consider leaving the capital, Lavena."

"Sirna, you're joking. And go where? Hostigos Town, which is now a cemetery, and stay with my father? He can't even protect himself."

"You're right. There is nowhere to go that's safe. At least the Army is on your side."

"For now…"
