Altarn Vor-Deputy Bureau Chief, one of Verkan's trusted advisors.

Aranth Sain-Kalvan Study Team military expert now undercover as Ranthos.

Barton Shar-Deputy Chief (Inspector) Inspector in charge of Stores and Equipment.

Danthor Dras-University Professor and expert on Styphon's House Subsector.

Danar Sirna-Former Member of Kalvan Study Team and Phidestros' mistress.

Hadron Dalla-Verkan's wife and Paratime Police Chief's Special Assistant.

Hadron Tharn-Dalla's power-mad younger brother.

Hadron Zinganna-Dalla's adopted Prole sister. Undercover in Greffa as Zinna.

Hasthor Flan-Head of Opposition Party.

Kostran Galth-Head of the Greffan Study Team.

Maldor Dard-Paratime Police Field Agent assigned to Harphaxi Study Team.

Raldrov Varn-New Director of the Kalvan Study Teams.

Ranthar Jard-Paratime Police Inspector.

Tortha Karf-Former Paratime Police Chief.

Verkan Vail-Paratime Police Chief.

Yandar Yadd-Newsie on First Level.
