I don't like it at all, Your Divinity!" cried Archpriest Euriphocles, his voice shaking. "Roxthar was supposed to stay in the Middle Kingdoms until Kalvan was dead. What's he going to be doing in Thebra City?"

Styphon's Voice Anaxthenes shrugged his shoulders. Sometimes, and too often recently, it appeared that his command of Styphon's House ended at the borders of Hos-Ktemnos. All of Balph was reeling from the news that Roxthar had left the Grand Host and would shortly be joining Grand Master Soton's invasion force in Thebra City. Soton had already written him an angry letter, as if Anaxthenes himself had anything to do with the Investigator's decision.

He didn't remember anyone consulting him, and he suspected that Grand Commander Aristocles and Great King Lysandros had leaped with joy upon Roxthar's leave-taking. He had called together his closest political allies to frame a response and was beginning to regret it.

Archpriest Grythos answered, "Roxthar's going to Hos-Agrys because he's become a political liability in the Middle Kingdoms. Do you think Knight Commander Aristocles can afford to have him continue his demon hunt for unbelievers in the Upper Middle Kingdoms where Styphon rates a little bit higher than Ormaz in their pantheon of gods? Once he starts his Investigation in Rathon or Thagnor he will turn every serf, freeman and noble in the Middle Kingdoms against the Temple. He is a mad wolf and needs to be put down."

Anaxthenes completely agreed, but doing so directly would cause another war; a war of fratricide between the Inner Circle and Styphon's Own Guard which would split the temple right down the middle. With the Zarthani Knights already committed to two armies, one chasing Kalvan and the other preparing for the war against Demistophon, there was no telling what conclusion such a war might bring about. At the least, it would spell the end of Balph's fragile neutrality and quite possibly Styphon's House's rule over the Five Kingdoms. He was certain of that.

"Grand Master Soton is no more pleased than We are that the Investigator has returned to the Five Kingdoms. Fortunately for Us, it is Roxthar's will that he stay in Thebra City to rebuild his Investigation to prepare for the Holy Investigation of Hos-Agrys."

"That's a relief," Archpriest Dimonestes said. "His absence from Balph has been welcomed by the entire City. Is it possible that an accident can be arranged while the Investigator is in Hos-Agrys?"

"That is one of the items I have brought you all here to discuss. Killing Roxthar is much more difficult than you might suspect. He has a nose for treachery and allows few to see his back."

"For good reason!" Grythos guffawed.

"True, but it does make assassination particularly difficult. He uses his victims as food-tasters and is always accompanied by a squad of Styphon's Own Guard."

"Can we enlist the Grand Master in our plot?" Dimonestes asked.

Archpriest Grythos who had once served under Soton as a Knight Commander of the Zarthani Knights held his hands out. "The Grand Master is not one to take orders."

Styphon's Voice nodded. "So I have learned."

Grythos continued, "He's also loyal to Styphon's House, although I wouldn't consider him a true believer. However, I could be wrong. They are so unusual among the higher ranks of the Order that it's sometimes hard to convince oneself they exist."

Styphon's Own Voice grinned wryly. "We even have a few among the Inner Circle."

"We live in debased times," Archpriest Euriphocles intoned.

Several of the archpriests laughed.

Anaxthenes silenced them with a frown. "If we'd have taken Roxthar more seriously, three winters ago, he'd be nothing but bones and sinew moldering in a grave now. Instead, with one look, he causes grown men to soil themselves." He noticed among his cabal that only Grythos looked him in the eye. Such poor iron will never be forged into steel, he thought.

"Grythos I want you to go to Thebra City as my eyes and ears. The rest of you are dismissed."

As the other Archpriests of the Inner Circle departed, most of them studying the floor tiles, Anaxthenes indicated with a nod to Grythos that he should follow him to his private chamber. Inside, he served Grythos from his best wine, a vintage so rare and fine that it was reserved for only Styphon's Own Voice.

Grythos took a sip from the goblet he was handed and said, "This is a magnificent vintage. Thank you, Your Divinity."

"It is just one of many things that I share only with my trusted advisors."

"Then I am doubly favored."

"I want you to go to Thebra as my personal representative. You will accompany the expeditions' paychests, which will guarantee you a favorable welcome from the Order. As a veteran of the Order, Soton may be inclined to share information with you he would not do so with any other highpriest."

Grythos nodded. "Soton is notoriously tight-lipped, but his usual confidants are either in the Middle Kingdoms or Tarr-Ceros. Your plan may have some success."

"Certainly more so than with any of these fools. I won't ask you to worm your way into Roxthar's confidence because I don't think it is possible. However, if he should leave his back unprotected, carve him into pieces. His usefulness to Styphon's House is over; he is now-even more so than the Usurper Kalvan-the Temple's greatest liability. And, should you convince Soton to do this work for you, I will be doubly grateful."

"As you wish, Your Divinity," Grythos answered, his eyes gleaming with avarice.
