"Verkan, it's good to see you!"Tortha Karf said. "With all the trouble brewing on First Level I didn't think you'd be able to take a leave of absence now."

Verkan sat down next to his former boss in Baron Tortha's sitting room. "I see you've done well for yourself in my absence. A Baron yet! And you look about fifty years younger; I guess getting away from those rabbits on your Fifth Level plantation has been a balm for your health."

Tortha laughed. "The same old Verkan. Put the onus on me so you don't have to answer my question. Things must really be bad."

"I'm surprised you haven't heard all about it from Kostran or one of the junior Kalvan Study Team members in Thagnor City."

"I stay away from the Thagnor Transposition Depot. Every time they see me, all they want to do is complain or ask my advice. I'm retired from all that; I've put in more than my share of time. I sent my resignation to the Paratime Commission before I arrived here. Kostran has been too busy with all of Kalvan's debriefings to visit. Besides, Kalvan's got enough troubles for a dozen timelines. I don't need to look elsewhere for more problems."

Verkan pulled out his pipe and tobacco pouch and started to fill it.

Tortha pointed to Verkan's pipe. "It must be bad news if you're bringing out the heavy artillery."

Verkan made a sour face. "You're right, it's not good. And this is my problem, not Kalvan's. I resigned from the Force."

Tortha stood up, mouth open and jowls quivering. "You can't do that!"

"Of course I can and did."

"What did Dalla say?"

"It's about time. She was angry, of course. She thinks I've made too many errors. So I told her: 'Now it's your turn.'"

"I bet she took that well! And, what do you mean, now it's her turn?"

"Her turn in the barrel, as they say on Fourth Level. She's my hand-picked successor. I'm through, at least for now."

"I hate to say it, old son, but I'm disappointed in you."

Verkan sighed. "I know you are, but I've become a bull's-eye for everything and everyone on Home Time Line. And they all think they have a free shot coming. If it keeps up, it's going to hurt the force."

"I'm not talking about your quitting; I almost did that a dozen times myself. But for leaving your beautiful wife all alone on the hot seat while you play soldier on Kalvan's Time-Line! That strikes me as a cowardly thing to do."

Verkan felt his arm pulling back of its own accord; he would have punched Tortha in the mouth had the ex-Chief been a hundred years younger. "Look, you old fool, leaving Dalla in the middle of that mess was the hardest thing I've ever done. It was Dalla's idea that if I was going to resign, I should come here and go on sabbatical to help our friends for a year or two. She says I'd drive her crazy at home with nothing to do but second-guess her and myself. And, at home, I'd provide a convenient target for all our enemies."

Tortha held his palms up. "I apologize. Once again I shot my mouth off before it was loaded. Home Time Line has lasted ten thousand years without your help and I suspect it can muddle along for another few years while you're exiled to Aryan-Transpacific. I just thought that maybe this was your way of avoiding having the baby that Dalla's been yammering about."

Verkan's laugh came out like a hack. "I only wish things were that simple. We've got several hundred years to worry about children. And, speaking of babies, is Rylla pregnant again?"

"Yes, she is. She's expecting this summer."

"I thought I detected a telltale bulge. This is one campaign that Kalvan's already won. I was wondering how he was going to keep Rylla out of the saddle."

"No, I think this one was her idea. She's convinced that having a male heir will cement their new Throne in Thagnor and throughout Nos-Hostigos."

"She's probably right. Rylla's got great instincts. They're going to need all the support they can muster before this war against Styphon's House is through."
