The buckskin-clad scout, his arms waving, galloped into the clearing, reining his horse in at the last moment in a spatter of flying dirt clods and lather. "The Styphoni are about two marches away, sir!"

The poor horse was bellowing so hard for air that the scout could barely be heard over his labored breathing. Grand-Captain Ranthos used the distraction to organize his thoughts. If the substitute boy was coming from Thagnor, he wouldn't be here-unless the Goddess Lytris flew him herself!- for another quarter moon at the earliest. They had already made one attack to slow the Styphoni, but they were as determined to reach the village of Salis as the Hostigi were to keep them out. There was only one choice-attack!

Of course, they had to win or the Styphoni would go to the Duke's manor and find it deserted, the boy gone and everyone else. It would be best to defeat the enemy, and leave a few survivors to inform Grand Master Soton that his plan had gone awry. Then, Soton would probably send an army to capture Dementros.

This would give the Hostigi possession of the heir to the Agrysi dynasty. It would also give them time to put Queen Rylla's candidate for the Throne of Light into the manor. If this had been a First Level operation, Ranthos would have used hypno-mech conditioning to have the villagers support their story. Instead, they had looted and burnt the village, chasing the villagers away. Duke Mnestros had played the role of kindly bandit leader, protecting the villagers from harm and encouraging them to go to Glarth Town.

"Captain Reme, form ranks. We will fight them here."

He turned to the scout. "How many of Styphon's spawn did you count?"

"We've been watching them off and on for two days. Our latest count was one hundred and seventy-eight troopers, not counting the coachmen and drovers with the supply wagons."

"Good." They outnumbered the Styphoni almost two to one. He doubted that would give the Knights pause; he knew the Styphoni were from the Order due to the way they couched their lances. The Knights held them much higher than the Agrysi and a few still had lance braces on their breastplates. They had, however, removed all proof marks from their weapons and armor, and were using standard issue Agrysi arms.

He turned to Captain-General Kyblannos. "This place is as good as any other for Galzar's Judgment."

Kyblannos laughed. "Praise Galzar, but I believe it's the Styphoni who'll be visiting the Caverns of the Dead! Are the Knights arrogant enough to charge head-on?"

Ranthos nodded. "Yes. If they believe we're merely deserters or bandits, they'll hit us as hard as they can, thinking we'll turn and run. Of course, I'll encourage them in that error of judgment."

"How?" Kyblannos asked.

He shouted, "Take out the Raven Banners." They were white banners with a black raven, signifying they were men under the colors of the Raven Hag of Death, and, as such, bandits outside any laws as well as Galzar's protection. It was a mercenary corruption of the white freelancers' flag which signified they were not under colors. However, on occasion, out-of-work troops would turn outlaw and fly the Raven Banner. It also meant that anyone who caught them was obliged to have them all hanged; it was a serious statement of intent.

"That will do it," Kyblannos said. "The Knights will know what it means and give no quarter."

"Men, gather round! Here's what we're going to do. Instead of countercharging the Knights, we're going to hold our position until they're about five rods away."

Several of the men gasped, as that was just an eyeblink out of lance range.

Ranthos smiled, and several of the nearer troopers reflexively drew back. "My orders are that the first two ranks are to use their musketoons, then pistols and swords. I know you won't like this order, but our success depends upon it. The Knights' chargers, due to their disguises, are unarmored, and I've only seen two or three with chamfrons. That means their horses are vulnerable to head shots."
