Duke Mnestros was seated at the table in the Great Hall and drinking from a flagon of ale. Seated to one side were his father, Prince Thykarses, and several other Princes; on the other side were Captain-General Hestophes, Duke Kyblannos, Baron Ranthos and Primate Xentos of the High Temple of Dralm.

Prince Thykarses turned to Hestophes, asking, "What are we going to do about Soton and his army?"

"Nothing," Hestophes said, who noted to himself that the Prince appeared to have aged five winters since their defeat at Agrys City. "Even if we wanted to fight him, we do not have enough men under arms to stop Soton. If we did fight him, even if he lost, he'd still have enough troops at Agrys City to hit us again next spring. After another loss like the one we suffered at the Battle of Agrys City, the League would be hard-pressed to field a dozen companies."

"The Captain-General is right, father," Duke Mnestros pronounced. "In fact, Soton's arrogant march across Hos-Agrys with his army has angered both the people and the princes. Our muster lists have swelled since his army left Agrys City. Unfortunately, most of our new troops are untrained or untested. Another loss would cripple us for any spring campaign, as the Captain-General said."

Thykarses' put his face in order. "Already Styphon's House treats all of Hos-Agrys as their conquest. Next they will begin their infernal Investigation."

"What we need is a proper commander for the Army, someone who has successfully fought the Styphoni before," Duke Mnestros observed. "The next League Council is set for the first quarter of the Moon of the Tall Grass. It is up to us to ensure that this time Captain-General Hestophes is chosen to lead the League's Army."

"They will either support him, or I will cut off the Temple's support for the League," Xentos stated flatly. "If the League of Dralm truly represents the Allfather's will, they will support His candidate."

"The Temple's support will help our cause greatly, Primate," Thykarses said. "However, at the moment, it appears that Grand Master Soton is doing even more to ensure the Princes' cooperation. He has violated the territories of at least four Princes. In Hos-Agrys we do not take our sovereignty lightly. Does anyone know where the Grand Master is headed, or why?"

The Big Switch, as they were now calling the operation to insert Aspasthar onto the Throne of Light, was known only to a few, all of them Hostigi except for Duke Mnestros, Baron Ranthos and Duke Kyblannos. Primate Xentos, whom Rylla no longer trusted, knew nothing. Even Mnestros' father, Prince Thykarses was in the dark. The fewer who knew about the operation, the fewer the leaks. Hestophes shook his head. "My guess is that Soton wants to demonstrate Styphons House's power to go wherever they please, whenever they please."

Thykarses threw out his hands. "It makes absolutely no sense to me that Soton would withdraw half the army besieging Agrys City at a time when the city is about to fall."

"Maybe it is Soton's way of showing that no one in Hos-Agrys is out of Styphon's House's reach," Hestophes said. "I'm sure we will find out what he wants shortly. Until then, all we can do is drill the new recruits and work out the logistics for the attacks that will come next spring."

"There is no question in your mind that the City will fall?" the Prince asked.

"None at all. Agrys City is doomed." His last thought, Hestophes kept to himself. Unless a miracle occurs, all of Hos-Agrys is doomed!

"Let us say a prayer to Allfather Dralm asking for his assistance and help,"Xentos intoned. "Without his help, the false idolaters and blasphemers of Styphon's House will prevail."
