The Great Hall of Tarr-Beshta was decked out in all its finery, with all new tapestries and hangings. Princess Arminta had been to this tarr once before, during the reign of Balthar the Black, and the few hangings in the castle had been in tatters or black with mildew. Now, the Banner of the Iron Band hung proudly from the main beam. One wall displayed a large tapestry depicting the Battle of Ardros, showing Prince Phidestros bathed in light as if he were a demi-god from one of the Mystery Plays.

The Prince, who towered over his retainers, stood in one corner with a flagon of drink. He had strong features and a royal air; he was much more handsome than she had expected. He perked up when he saw her party; she was too far away to see if he was disappointed at her appearance, or surprised. This was the part she hated!

Arminta's mother had died when she was only eight winters old. As the oldest daughter, it had been her responsibility to see that her three brothers and two sisters were raised properly. Her father did not remarry and grew dependent upon her to act as surrogate mother to her siblings. She hadn't minded, having grown accustomed to the disinterest of most of the young men she met. She had resigned herself to being a spinster and, in fact, enjoyed advising her father on both political and dynastic matters.

Now her younger sisters were married and her father had, at Great King Lysandros' demand, bargained her off to this mercenary. The problem for Arminta was that she was no starry-eyed young girl or naive daughter; she was twenty-four winters old. While men appeared to enjoy her company- after all, she had raised two brothers-they had not shown much interest in her as a woman. So why should Prince Phidestros be an exception?

Arminta knew her flanks were too long, her bosom too small and her face too horsy. The burnished steel mirror in her chamber told her all that, as well as the disinterested glances by passing men. However, she had all her teeth and exceptionally good health, and that had to count for something. Also, she had the one thing her soon to be husband lacked-a pedigree. Her family had ruled Argros for over three centuries and her father was Prince of a large and prosperous Princedom. In addition, she was related by blood to Great King Lysandros. She wondered if that would be enough for her new husband.

Arminta didn't mind that Phidestros kept a mistress-she'd heard all about the redheaded Gerfftscharrer, Lady Sirna, the moment she'd arrived in Besh Town-only that he didn't make her an object of scorn or ridicule by parading his mistress in public. Or beat her in private as many husbands did, at least her sisters' husbands.

When the Prince came to meet her, she approved of the way his eyes met her own. She also admired the way he moved her away from the pack of retainers that followed the two of them after their formal introduction.

"I know your father has scheduled a formal wedding for the spring, but I have scheduled a private wedding in three moon quarters, Princess. I hope that meets with your approval, as it does mine," he said, with a wink and a smile.

Her heart melted. Maybe this will work out, after all.

It was not uncommon to have two weddings with arranged marriages as travel and weather conditions often made it difficult to bring the two families together for a formal ceremony. However, for marriages with dynastic implications, it was essential to have a public affair so that the marriage would be officially recognized. With the war against Kalvan still progressing, Phidestros had made it clear to her father that the sooner the ceremony took place, the greater the chance there would be an heir. There was no guarantee that Phidestros might not be recalled to the Middle Kingdoms. Her father had been more than happy to speed things up, immediately sending her and her dowry along with a small retinue, as soon as he had received Phidestros' signed marriage contract.

"Please call me Arminta, Your Highness. And, yes, that does meet with my approval. I brought a wedding gown, the one my mother wore, and several Ladies to help with the wedding details. We will have a formal wedding for my family in Argros Town in the Moon of the First Grass."

"I agree. And, there's no need for titles between us."

She curtsied. Her husband to be was even more imposing and handsome close-up. Arminta also liked what he'd done with Bestha, having seen all the workmen and improvements underway during her coach trip to Besh Town. "Is there a place we can talk in private?" she asked.

He was taken aback, as though she'd implied something improper.

"I would like to discuss the details of our future life together."

He nodded while fumbling with his pipe. "Certainly, I'll have Duke Kyblannos tell everyone we're just retiring for a brief spell."

He whispered something into a well-fed retainer's ears, then motioned her toward the back of the chamber.

She noticed that their withdrawal had brought them to the center of attention, including that of a tall, well-endowed redhead, whom she assumed was the Lady Sirna, as well as that of the woman at her side, who by her stunning appearance and the crown she was wearing had to be Great Queen Lavena. So this is Lysandros' consort and the new Queen, the woman who was said to be the spitting image of Queen Rylla of the False Kingdom of Hos-Hostigos. I'm glad I don't have to compete with her for attention from Phidestros.

Alone in his private chamber, Phidestros asked, "Is anything wrong?"

"No," she replied. "I just want to discuss some things with you while there is still time."

He sighed with relief. "I thought maybe you wanted to leave. Return to Argros. Take a seat and we can discuss whatever matters you wish."

She sat down and said, "I believe I will like it here." She smiled when their eyes met. "I just wanted an opportunity to talk with you before we got caught in the marriage whirlwind."

Phidestros nodded and took out his tobacco pouch. "I know it's our first meeting, but I am fully behind our marriage, Arminta."

She nodded. "I expected so. It will give your title some legitimacy, and no, I don't mean that in a harsh way. It's just there's always talk."

"There's more to this marriage than just the joining of two Houses, Arminta. I want you to believe that. I need a strong woman to sire my children, as well as one who knows the nobility of Hos-Harphax and has their respect. After King Lysandros set forth our union, I put my own intelligencers to work and learned you're the brains beneath your father's crown."

She felt herself blush. "I didn't know it was that obvious."

"It isn't, Arminta. Few of the nobility suspect that your hand is behind your father's good fortune, only those who know who polishes the crowns in this Kingdom's princedoms. Most of our peers would never suspect any woman to have the intelligence and cunning to rule a realm. However, I believe differently. I'm certain you will make a good wife and a good partner in ruling our demesne."

"You surprise me, Phidestros. You have both excellent intelligence of Argros' affairs and a good understanding of governing for a military man."

"Being a mercenary captain-general is only a step in my career, not an end."

"Tell me more of your plans."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry I revealed even this much. More will be revealed after the passing of a few winters."

Arminta stood up. "Maybe I ought to reconsider this marriage. I do not want to walk down an unfamiliar hallway blindfolded."

Phidestros looked pained. "I'm not dishonoring you, Arminta, but I've lived with my own private thoughts for a long time. Sharing them is new for me."

"I, too, am used to not sharing my innermost words; however, if we are to be joined as one, I need to know your plans. Otherwise, how can I trust my own future, much less the future of any children I might give you?"

"I had not expected to open my muster book so early, but, by Galzar, this might just be the right time. It is my wish to become a Great King."

Her mouth dropped. "Here?"

"No. In my homeland, Hos-Zygros. Here we are too close to Styphon's House and my own liege lord. I do not want to be known as an usurper or oath-breaker. My birth father is Grand Duke Eudocles of Hos-Zygros; I am his bastard."

She had always kept up with the latest gossip, but this was news to her. "Is this known in Hos-Zygros?"

Phidestros shook his head. "He has never recognized me officially, but under the table he has done so. There is little love between us. I suspect, like Lysandros before him, he has designs on his brother's throne."

"The Ivory Throne!"

"Yes, furthermore, I suspect him of complicity in my cousin Prince Pariphons death."

"Wasn't Pariphon Great King Sopharar's only son?"

"Yes. Now my father is next in line for the Ivory Throne."

"Are you saying he will be a regicide?"

"If the opportunity arises, yes. As Lysandros did with King Kaiphranos."

She nodded. Every prince in Hos-Harphax, including her father, worried where Lysandros' next arrow might fall. She doubted her father would have gone along with this marriage, if it hadn't been for Lysandros' implied threats. Prince Soligon had been one of the few Harphaxi princes to join the League of Dralm; he had just as quickly resigned when Lysandros was raised to the Iron Throne. However, there were still doubts about Soligon's fidelity; her marriage to Phidestros was demonstrable proof of her father's loyalty.

"When the right time comes," he said, "I plan to be in a position to take full advantage of whatever opportunities the Goddess Lytris provides."

"What about King Demistophon? He might not be eager to see a former Harphaxi captain-general and prince mount himself upon the Ivory Throne."

Phidestros made a wry smile. "Demistophon will not be in a position to contest anything but his own throne come this spring!"

"What do you mean?"

"I have intercepted communications between Balph and the Grand Host, as well as Grand Master Soton and Grand Commander Aristocles. Soton is under orders to invade Hos-Agrys and put Demistophon to the sword. Great King Demistophon will be lucky if he still has his head on his shoulders by this time next winter."

"You are well informed, Phidestros. I have not heard even a breath of rumor about this invasion in Argros, and we're on the border of Hos-Agrys!"

"Grand Master Soton has moved his forces into Thebra and cordoned off the area, much like the Usurper did after he won his first battle in Hostigos. Soton will be attacking Agrys City in the spring. Now that you know what you're letting yourself in for, do I have your support?"

For a moment, she wondered what he might do were she to refuse. Might he arrange a convenient accident on her behalf? Well, she would never know. She was thoroughly captivated by his ambition, manliness and spirit. "Yes," she said, "you will have my complete support. This time of troubles may allow a reordering of the old order. I had not dreamed of rising so high in this lifetime, but I would welcome the challenge. It would also please me greatly to place our children upon the Ivory Throne.

"However," she added, "I have one caveat. I know I'm not very attractive and that you will have your concubines. However, I do want you to know that I will not be made a fool of, nor do I want your affairs to become public knowledge."

Phidestros pushed back in his chair, his face an open scroll. "You have my oath, by Galzar! I only have one mistress and she is leaving for Harphax City. Sirna told me that she was unable to conceive, so there will be no issue there. Nor do I have any plans to take another mistress this close to my seat or anywhere else. I know full well what it is to live as a fatherless son. You appear to be enough of a woman, once your fires are lit, to satisfy any man's appetites."

He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the lips that sparked a shock right down to her toes.

"Now let's return to the Hall before too many tongues begin to wag. You know what they're thinking, don't you?"

"That we couldn't wait for the marriage bed?"

He leaned back and roared. "Right. Maybe we ought to talk some more and give them something to really chew on!"

She caught her breath. "There's talk and there's talk. We want to set a proper example for our children and their inheritance."

Phidestros gave a wolfish grin. "I may not like your words at the moment, but I respect them. You will make a strong queen."
