Prince Phidestros looked around, studying the Great Hall of his Beshtan palace. It was newly built over the ruins of the old palace by Prince Phrames and looked solid, but the stone walls were bare. There were no hangings and only a few old paintings. Most of the tapestries and furniture had been removed by the fleeing Hostigi. However, Geblon had made sure that the Iron Company's old banner, displaying a gold thunderbolt breaking a black iron chain on a green field, was hanging from the highest beam.

Former Prince Phrames had rebuilt most of the outbuildings as well, and expanded the audience chambers, putting in stained-glass panels of all the major gods, except Styphon. As long as Archpriest Roxthar didn't Investigate the palace, Phidestros decided that was fine with him.

Not that he expected to invite the Archpriest over for any social visits, unless it was to hang him from a spit in the kitchen fireplace.

"Well, Prince, what do you think of our new home?" Captain-General Kyblannos asked.

"I find it far more welcoming than the Gull's Nest."

Kyblannos cackled, "By Galzar, that's the gods' truth. It was time to leave that bordello; Madam Menandra was beginning to hang over me like an old cloak. She was even talking about setting up shop here in Besh Town!"

Geblon smiled. "She had her sights set on more than your hide, you old dog. I don't know how you do it!"

"It can be a curse, as my wife likes to remind me."

They all laughed. Kyblannos' wife was as nice a woman as there was in the Five Kingdoms until her jealousy boiled over.

Geblon nodded, as he passed out golden goblets of winter wine. "It was decent of Phrames to leave all his silver serving plates and golden-ware for our pleasure! I do believe he expected to return. Here's a toast to the man who sent Phrames into exile, where he won't be drinking out of anything as fine as these goblets. To the finest Prince and greatest Captain in all the Five Kingdoms! To Prince Phidestros!"

"Aye, aye!" Kyblannos answered.

Phidestros quickly downed his drink, trying to cover his embarrassment. "Luckiest and gods favored, maybe. Truly, Kalvan's misfortune was my good luck. The battle was very close and it was only by Galzar's own favor that we won."

"Why the sudden modesty, Prince?" Kyblannos asked. "You've worked hard and come a long way, from the captain of a small mercenary company to Grand Captain-General of the Holy Host. By Galzar, we've all come a long way! Now the Iron Band's celebrated in verse and song throughout the Five Kingdoms-except in Balph, where they give Soton credit for your victories! But that's to be expected; after all, Soton's an Archpriest, and when have you known one of that breed who was content with the contents of just his own purse? Revel in your successes, Prince! You're the only living man who's defeated the 'Daemon Kalvan' and then run him out of town on a nag!"

Phidestros shook his head. "It's all happened too fast. Maybe that's the problem. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a part in a playhouse, or in the midst of a dream. I haven't had time to digest my new status and title. When I woke up this morning, I didn't even know where I was; I expected to find myself back in a torn old tent on a backwoods trail."

"You'll get used to this life, Your Highness," Kyblannos said. "Trust me, it won't take long. My wife has already spent half my victory bonus trying to live up to my new position. Again, thank you for the dukedom."

"Likewise," Duke Geblon said, emptying his goblet as a salute.

"If you can't reward your friends, what does any of this mean," Phidestros said, opening his arms. "The gods-if they exist at all," he paused to spit into a spittoon, "treat men the same as pigeons! Worse even. You've been there for me and I wouldn't have come so far without my old comrades. Nor do I expect this respite to last very long."

"What do you mean?"

"In the spring, we're under Lysandros' orders to evict King Demistophon's troops from Thaphigos."

"That won't be much of an exercise." Geblon added with a laugh that ended with him spurting blood-red wine all over his blue doublet. "We show up with ten thousand soldiers, he runs!"

"True, I don't expect the Agrysi will put up much of a fight. But King Lysandros wants us to remain in northern Hos-Harphax until the end of summer."

"Why?" Geblon asked.

Kyblannos nodded. "Lysandros didn't say it out loud, but I believe he wants our army to stay in Thaphigos to make sure that Soton's army doesn't happen to wander across the border."

"Is there any truth to his fears?"

Phidestros nodded. "Our Great King doesn't trust Styphon's House. Not that I blame him. I suspect he fears that if Soton wraps up his siege of Agrys City and rolls up the rest of Hos-Agrys before the end of the campaign season, he may be tempted to send his Army of Styphon's Deliverance into Hos-Harphax. After all, what can Lysandros do from the Trygath to stop him?"

Geblon shook his head. "Nothing. But Hos-Harphax is allied with the Grand Master. Soton would not break faith with an ally."

"He might if Styphon's Voice ordered him to," Phidestros replied. "But I doubt it; Soton is a man of his word. However, Lysandros might believe that Soton honors his god above all human endeavors. In which case, the Great King's worries are justified."

"I just hope Kalvan keeps Lysandros busy enough that he forgets all about us," Geblon said. "We have enough work yet to do rebuilding Greater Beshta without haring from one end of Hos-Harphax to the other."

"I fear you may be wrong," Kyblannos added. "Lysandros reminds me of a cook trying to stir every pot in the kitchen at once! He will not be content to let them boil by themselves, even two thousand marches away. However, that far away, his orders will be easier to circumvent."

"It would be too much to hope for, Praise Galzar, that our Great King might catch one of Kalvans bullets!" Geblon said.

"Few tears would be shed in Harphax, that much is certain," Phidestros said, with a wolfish grin. "But let's end this talk before we get too bold and speak with loose tongues in public. Lysandros' agents are everywhere!"

"Especially in your Great Hall!" Geblon replied. "It appears that every younger son and wastrel of noble blood in the Great Kingdom of Hos-Harphax has come to curry favor with you and pick crumbs off the Besthan platter."

"They won't stay for long," Phidestros finished with a harsh clearing of his throat. "Any who stay after their purses are empty will find themselves with a home in our dungeon. I'm tempted to bag the whole lot."

His comrades laughed.

There was a knock at the hall door and Mynos, one of Phidestros' body servants, poked his head in. "Your Highness, I have a Captain Ranthos to see you."

"Bring him in, and another cask of winter wine."

"Yes, Your Highness."

When the former Grefftscharrer came into the Great Hall, Phidestros offered him a chair. "Welcome, Ranthos. I was surprised to find you gone when we arrived at Beshta Town."

"I had hoped to welcome you personally, Your Highness, but there were some problems along the Syriphlon border. Some of the Syriphloni border reivers were beginning to set up camps on the Beshtan side of the border; they took your absence as license. I took four companies with me to teach them some manners. We burned the stubborn ones out and beheaded the rest. We will not have any more problems this season."

"Excellent work, Ranthos. I was pleased at the order and tranquility that you and Captain Cythros had established in the Princedom before our arrival. Our former Hostigi subjects were quite welcoming."

Ranthos grinned. "They were made aware of your bearding of Investigator Roxthar and are pleased to have a Prince who can defend his borders as well as keep out unwelcome elements."

"Well done. How many companies were you able to raise?"

"Three new companies mostly of former Hostigi troopers and mercenaries, Your Highness.

"Again, well done. I can see you are a man of your word. It appears, until we do a new census, that we lost only about half our subjects to the Hostigi migration, and most of those were in Sashta which suffered the brunt of the war. To be honest, my lands have been much better tended than I had anticipated. The Princedom of Hostigos itself is a wasteland, as are Sask, Nostor and Ulthor. I didn't know what to expect upon our arrival in Beshta. You and Cythros have done well for us."

Captain Ranthos bowed his head. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"During our passage through Sashta, we settled most of the baggage train there along with several thousand soldiers. We took the liberty of removing most of the criminal element, but we still need a firm hand in those lands to provide lawful authority and to ensure that our subjects are well-treated. Having seen your successes here in Beshta, I am prepared to invest you as Baron of the Sashta border lands. Duke Geblon will be your overlord, but I suspect he'll spend most of his time with me here in Besh Town. It will take a strong hand and a will of iron to rebuild that former princedom. You've already proven you can master the border reivers."

For once the broad mercenary captain was speechless.

Duke Kyblannos said, "Our Prince knows how to reward those who do good work, as Geblon and I have discovered."

"Thank you, Your Highness. I will do my best."

"That's all I ask," Phidestros said, pouring a goblet of wine for his new Baron. "As you can tell, I am more interested in keeping men about me who can make things happen than in whose father sired them. And, while I am generous with my rewards, I also do not spare punishments for those who earn them."

"As it should be, Your Highness."

"I will also give you a thousand foot and five hundred horse from my Army to secure your borders, and send you five thousand ounces of gold and twice that of silver and leave to raise another five companies. Is this agreeable?"

"Very much so, Your Highness. That will provide me with a sufficient force to repel any invaders, especially those wearing white bedsheets."

Phidestros grinned. "Exactly. I will also give you the patent to create a militia from those former members of the Army of Greater Beshta who have settled in your new barony. Should we be called upon by our Great King to fight in his name, I would like to have enough men-at-arms to secure our borders while we are gone. Does this meet with your approval?"

Captain Ranthos nodded his agreement.

"Excellent! Geblon bring me the Domesday Book that former Prince Phrames had collected."

"What is this Domesday Book, sire?" Ranthos asked.

"It is a volume that former Princes Phrames put together at King Kalvan's request; it lists all of our subjects, their lands and location. It was another of Kalvan's new measures. As you know personally, there is much to be learned from his model."

"I learned this working at the Royal Foundry. The Great King would come by personally to direct our efforts. He was most helpful."

"Here's the map I wanted you to see. This shows the princedom of Sashta and the border boundaries. This will be the breadth of your new barony. But, before we count the marches, let's discuss how many new tarrs we want built and where."
