As Grand Master Soton and his guard rode over the Darro way of the Priest's Crossing, he wondered why Great King Lysandros had requested another meeting so soon at the palace. Taking possession of Prince Ptosphes' former summer palace had meant taking it away from Roxthar who had been using it as the staging ground for the Investigation of Heretics. While this had made Lysandros friends from the many who had reason to see the Holy Butcher embarrassed, it had also bought the Archpriest's enmity. Fortunately for Lysandros he was only one of an army of people Roxthar had reason to despise and, for now, the Great King was out of the Investigation's reach. Not even Roxthar would dare thwart the will of the entire Inner Circle.

Since Roxthar had sequestered the palace before the siege of Tarr-Hostigos, it was still unscathed from both fire and looting. The golden eagle that reared above the large fountain might be pocked with bullet holes but it was still intact. A score of Lysandros' bodyguard in full red and yellow livery, silvered armor and halberds attested to his efforts to keep it that way. The Royal Bank of Hostigos across the square had not fared so well; the top two stories were gone and building appeared to have suffered serious fire damage, almost as if one of Kalvan's shells had detonated inside.

Soton wondered if rumors were true that Lysandros planned to rename the conquered princedom of Hostigos in his own name. It wouldn't be the first time in Five Kingdom's history that a Great King had dubbed an unruly princedom after himself-Syriphlon and Argros came quickly to mind-and usually he would have counseled against it. However, in this case there weren't enough conquered subjects left to fill the town square and no Hostigi subjects left to antagonize with such kingly arrogance.

Lysandros, before leaving Harphax City, had named the Hostigi traitor, Baron Sthentros, Prince of the newly reconquered Hostigos. This move indicated that either Lysandros didn't have any other retainers he trusted with the new princedom-there were a lot of empty princely crowns upon the conquest of Hos-Hostigos-or that he was so smitten with Sthentros' daughter that his wits were addled by love. The latter Soton had a hard time believing; he doubted Lysandros had loved anyone other than himself since he was weaned from his wet-nurse's teat.

Lysandros' Chancellor was waiting at the door and quickly escorted him, less his own guard, to the Great King's private audience chamber. Lysandros quickly rose from his chair to embrace him, which took Soton by surprise. The two of them had never been close and he wondered if this was an attempt by Lysandros to place a wedge between himself and Grand Captain-General Phidestros. Is Lysandros worried that Phidestros might attempt a palace coup? Right now he has the political capital to do it.

After Lysandros' embrace, the Chancellor provided him a chair and he sat down. The moment everyone had left, the Great King sighed. "I'm surrounded by lackeys and lickspittles. I need to talk with someone I can trust."

Soton almost reeled back in his chair. If the Great King considers me his closest advisor, then he truly has no friends. It wasn't that he didn't like the ambitious king; he just had no feelings at all for him-the same way he felt about Archpriest Anaxthenes. He didn't trust either one; both men had ice water in their veins and an ambition that knew no bounds. Both men were also known to poison anyone who got in their way-Lysandros was a regicide for Styphon's sake, having poisoned his brother King Kaiphranos.

"I'm flattered that you view me with such trust, Your Majesty," was the most honest phrase that came to mind.

"We are both warriors in the service of Styphon," Lysandros said, with almost enough conviction that he almost believed him, but not quite.

"Is it a problem of a spiritual nature that troubles you? If it is, I'm probably not the right person to help you."

"No. My problems are of this world. I just received a dispatch informing me that that barrel of pork who calls himself Great King Demistophon has invaded my kingdom!"

That was the first Soton had heard word of problems along the Hos-Harphax/Hos-Agrys border. But he wasn't surprised, as the two kingdoms had been feuding for centuries over ownership of Thaphigos, a border princedom between the two realms. It had recently changed ruling families at the expense of the Agrysi faction. As shortsighted as the porcine beasts he resembled, it wasn't out of character for Demistophon to take advantage of Lysandros' absence and launch an attack.

"A large number of Agrysi troops, disguised as freebooters, have crossed over the border into Thaphigos and are now ravaging the countryside. There are not enough troops at Tarr-Harphax to protect the City, much less stop this Agrysi aggression. Are any of Styphon's Own Guard in a position to support my claimant?"

Soton shook his head. There might be two or three temple bands between Agrys City and Harphax City, but they were garrison troops and their job was to protect Styphon's Temples, not pull a roast out of the fire for shortsighted allies.

"Grand Master, I do not want to be forced to remove the Harphaxi Army out of the false kingdom of Hos-Hostigos, as long as the Usurper and Traitor Kalvan is still alive. However, I do not see that I have a choice, unless I dispatch Captain-General Phidestros back to Thaphigos to take care of the problem."

The dissolution of the Grand Host, after the conquest of Hostigos, had been Soton's biggest worry; if he didn't act decisively, it would soon become fact. Already, the Sacred Squares were claiming victory and Prince Anaxon-temporary High Marshal, since all the other Ktemnoi commanders of higher rank were dead or wounded-had already expressed a desire to return to Hos-Ktemnos. If either the Harphaxi contingent or the Ktemnoi forces left the Grand Host, it would become the Hollow Host and might even inspire a Hostigi counterattack.

"The Host must remain intact until the Usurper is killed; otherwise, this great victory of ours will be squandered. Already, several mercenary units have deserted. But none since Marshal Albides put Styphon's Own Guard to watch the major roads out of Hostigos."

Lysandros nodded in agreement.

Soton continued, "If it were possible, with your reputation as a great military leader, I would make you Grand Captain-General of the Grand Host and dispatch Captain-General Phidestros back to Thaphigos to end this insurrection." It took all Soton had to keep from retching. With all this diplomacy, he was beginning to sound like Archpriest Anaxthenes with his interminable machinations.

"Then what can I do?" Lysandros asked. "Duke Kaphros, who is reigning in my absence in Harphax City, is a good administrator but he is no military man. All my best captains are in Hostigos where they are needed. Duke Aesthes, who is in nominal command of my militia, is not fit to ride a horse these days… Not that I would allow him." He barked a harsh laugh. "The incompetent fool has already lost one Harphaxi Army fighting Kalvan; only an idiot-like my dear departed brother-would give him a second opportunity."

Soton had to stifle a laugh. Truer words were never spoken. "Maybe it is time for Your Majesty to return to Hos-Harphax and deal with the Thaphigos incident in person."

Lysandros rose up out of his chair. "I cannot leave the Host. If I return to Harphax, my soldiers will learn that I am under the Ban of Galzar-what kind of army will I lead then? My princely levy will desert and return to their farms. My Royal Lancers may remain if I promise them enough gold upon the conclusion of the Thaphigos campaign, but my Royal Pistoleers are more faithful to the Wargod and his priests. They will leak away like water through an old barn roof. I will not be able to hire any free companies, even if there are any mercenaries left in the Kingdom not under some princely banner. What would you have me do?"

It's even worse than you think., Soton thought. The Ban may yet destroy us all. The Highpriests of Galzar had put the Grand Host under the Ban of Galzar with a list of all known Harphaxi and Ktemnoi dukes and barons. Fortunately, they had not named Prince Phidestros, who remained the only major Harphaxi ruler not under the Ban. "But for the Ban of Galzar, I would suggest sending Phidestros and his Iron Band to remedy the Thaphigos invasion; however, we would then lose the services of most of our mercenaries who are oath-sworn personally to the Captain-General. This we cannot allow."

"No. I see the wisdom in your words, although I despise the imbecilic priests who arrived at such a blundering decision," Lysandros said through clenched teeth.

Soton was glad there was no one around to overhear Lysandros' condemnation of Galzar's priesthood. Styphon's Own folly would be the result, along with the quick dismembering of the Grand Host. Lysandros might hold the Wargod in disdain, but his common soldiers most emphatically did not. The priests of Galzar did more than set rules and regulations for battles and warfare; they were the healers and caretakers of the battlefield sick and wounded. In addition, all their members were retired military men who had far more in common with their laity than their own commanders did.

"Now, think harder, Grand Master. How long will it be before Phidestros is under the Ban? After all, he too is part of the Grand Host."

Soton shrugged his shoulders. "I had hoped we would be in Ulthor by now and that Galzar's messengers would not catch up to us until after we brought the Hostigi to a final battle. However, the delay in taking Tarr-Hostigos"-he paused to glare at Lysandros since the lengthy siege was at his insistence-"has allowed events to get ahead of us. I have special patrols waiting for any visitors from Hos-Agrys."

"But will they stop the Wargod's priests?"

"These men will. Most are oath-brothers who believe in no gods but their own Ruthani ones. They will do whatever I order."

"It is good to have such men, but can they guarantee that no priests or other outsiders will slip into our midst?"

Soton shook his head sadly. "No, only the gods can make such promises. My men can only do their best."

"Then, you must admit that once the priests of Galzar place Captain-General Phidestros under the Ban, we may lose the services of all our mercenaries."

Soton cringed. I do not want to admit any such thing, even if it is true. The loss of over twenty-eight thousand mercenaries, including the Iron Band itself, would be a hard blow to accept. If dismissed, he doubted that Phidestros would consent to leaving his Beshtan Army behind, since the majority of them still fought under the Prince's Iron Band banner-even upon King Lysandros' direct order. "Reluctantly, I will admit that your words hold much truth."

"This cannot be allowed. I can keep my sworn-vassals with the Host as long as we are in the field. Things will be different upon our return to Hos-Harphax: Most of my princes and lords will return to their demesnes and the greater part of the Royal Army will lay down their arms in support of the Ban. Is this not true?"

Soton reluctantly agreed.

"Therefore, I must stay with the Grand Host as one of its commanders until the Traitor and Usurper Kalvan is brought to heel."

As much as Soton distrusted Phidestros and was angered by his dismissal of his advice at the siege of Tarr-Hostigos, the mercenary Captain-General was one of the best strategists and campaigners that he had under his command-very likely the best, as much as he hated to admit it. Lysandros on the other hand had a good reputation as a captain-general, but all his fighting had been in the years before the Usurper Kalvan's arrival. He had never fought the Hostigi and that was a big disadvantage. Furthermore, Lysandros was a Great King now and not about to take orders from those he considered his inferiors-and judging by what Soton had observed since he had first met Lysandros, that included just about everyone in the Five Kingdoms, including his fellow Great Kings, the Archpriests of the Inner Circle and all the generals with the Grand Host.

Still, he could see no trail out of this Dralm-damned cock-up with the priests of Galzar-damn Roxthar for no end of devilment! Thanks to that fool, he would be yoked with another unreliable commander, one whose status as Great King made him a political as well as a military liability.

"I see no solution," Lysandros continued, "but to send Phidestros back to Hos-Harphax and have him deal with the Agrysi invaders."

"I fear, your words ring with truth. Although losing Phidestros will be costly; not only will we lose a proven commander, but over twenty-eight thousand good soldiers since the Host's mercenaries have swelled his ranks." Now that the former free companies were under his personal banner, Phidestros would not relinquish a single company to the Grand Host-not after being dismissed as Grand Captain-General. That Soton knew for a fact.

Lysandros grinned like a wolf about to tear at the haunch of a downed elk.

Suddenly it was all clear: Lysandros didn't care about the Grand Host. All he cared about was an opportunity to show off his military grandeur- outshine Phidestros, if the truth were told. And, if he happened to stumble across Kalvan's treasury wagons; well, so much the better.

Lysandros splayed his hands. "The Host would lose even more men were I to leave with my Royal Army and levy. With the Captain-General in Hos-Harphax, there will be enough troops to keep Demistophon inside his own borders."

"That is true." Soton paused to take out his pipe and tobacco pouch. He needed time to think. He'd been so busy dealing with the day-to-day affairs of the Host, which were Hadron's own burden, that he hadn't given the political aspects enough thought. Now, he didn't have a choice. He would miss Phidestros' steady hand in battle; he only hoped that Lysandros could fill his saddle. Still, it could be worse; he could be stuck with Great King Demistophon.

"Do you agree that it is our foremost duty to search, find and destroy the Usurper Kalvan and his army?" Soton asked.

"I give you my oath, before you and Styphon, that I will chase the Usurper to his lair and dispatch him and his ignoble henchmen. I will not have a single carefree night's sleep until this malefactor is captured, dismembered and burned to ashes!"

Or take charge of Kalvan's treasure train, Soton wondered. "Then Great King Lysandros you have my support in so ordering Captain-General Phidestros back to Hos-Harphax."

Not that Lysandros needed his permission, but having the commanders of the Grand Host work in concert was important for overall unity. Plus, Lysandros would not want to openly go against the Inner Council's personal emissary; not as long as Styphon's gold was paying the wages of the Harphaxi soldiers. Paying the mercenaries would now be Phidestros' headache. Or possibly Lysandros', if the mercenary took advantage of his overlord's absence. Let Lysandros worry about such things; Phidestros is no longer my problem.

"Grand Master, I will order Prince Phidestros to eject the Agrysi invaders out of Thaphigos. After tasting Harphaxi steel, those godless Agrysi bandits and the fat swine that calls himself Great King of Hos-Agrys will burn in Hadron's Dungeon!"

Soton expected that King Demistophon would soon regret the folly of sending his soldiers into Harphaxi territory. Great King Lysandros was made of far tougher steel than his dead brother, Great King Kaiphranos.

"Prince Phidestros will do that job or I will put his neck on the executioner's block." Lysandros spat out the last words. "Phaaw! Prince and that adventurers' name together put holes in my stomach!"

That mercenary is more like you than you'll ever know, Lysandros, and certainly as ambitious, thought Soton. And, he had as much royal blood in his veins as Lysandros. He was tempted to tell the Great King of Phidestros' link to the Zygrosi royal family, but thought better of it. Archpriest Anaxthenes had ferreted out the secret and should be the one to use it to his advantage. Besides, it might throw more whale oil on the fire of his hatred. This was a time to build bridges between the commanders, not burn them.

Soton shrugged. "I am sure Phidestros will clip King Demistophon's wings. He has enough men to mount an expedition against Agrys City itself. Since he is no longer under the command of Styphon's Grand Host, the priests of Galzar will not be able to put him under the Ban. That will work to our advantage, too."

"Good. I'm glad we were able to come to an accord on this issue."

Soton would have felt better if Lysandros had kept the grin off his face. "Now, I must return to camp," he said. "I have much to mull over."

"Go with Styphon, Grand Master."

As Soton made his way out of the audience chamber, he heard Lysandros mumble, "If I hadn't given my oath, I would just as soon make that jumped-up mercenary Prince of Privies."
