Prince Phidestros looked up when he heard the knock at his door. "Who is it?" he asked.

"It's Geblon, Your Highness. May I come in?"

He turned to look at Arminta, who was seated on the stone platform before the hearth and tending a small fire. The bulge at her belly was getting bigger. She smiled at him and nodded. By next fall they would have the first of many children and the beginnings of a dynasty.

"Come in."

Geblon took a seat on one of the stools and said, "Another messenger from Great Queen Lavena just arrived. Do you want to see him now or later, Captain?"

"I take it you or Kyblannos have already debriefed him."

"Yes, Kyblannos took him to the kitchen and siphoned out all the latest news. It appears that the Chancellor had to order martial law and put forth a curfew to try to stop the latest riots in Harphax City. It didn't work. About a fifth of the City has already been torched, and now the riots are spreading into the merchants' quarter. Chancellor Lyphannes now refuses to do anything, but guard the palace. I believe the Queen is going to implore you for aid. Her subjects are crying out for Prince Selestros to be given his rightful Throne. Some of the Princes are getting restive, too."

"The Queen is now running the Kingdom! What about Duke Kaphros? I thought Great King Lysandros left him in charge of the Kingdom."

"In her last letter," Arminta said, "my cousin mentioned that the Duke was suffering from a severe lung ailment; he was coughing, having trouble breathing and complaining of severe stabbing pains in his chest. Baltros, the Royal Healer, ordered him to his bed and was treating him with mustard plasters, cupping and flaxseed poultices. At seventy winters, there is great concern whether he will ever rise from his bed again."

Kaphros was a former soldier and respected commander; it was unfortunate that illness had done what enemy swords could not. He had met with Chancellor Lyphannes the last time he was in Harphax City. The Chancellor was good with numbers, but useless with men. He was bad at dissembling and stuttered before those he feared. Lysandros, it appeared, had picked two men with different but complementary abilities. What better way to protect his Throne, as long as they both remained well.

"I didn't think things would go to Regwarn so quickly," Phidestros said.

"I told you, my love. You've always overestimated Lysandros' hold on Harphax City. His grip is even lighter in the princedoms. True or not, many in the streets believe him to be a regicide."

"What about this reformed Selestros?" Phidestros asked. "Would it be in our interest to aid him in any way?"

Arminta paused to rub her chin. "Selestros is of unknown character and authority. We know he claims to have been visited by Allfather Dralm. This means that he will never be a tool of Styphon's House and, with Hos-Agrys under attack by Soton, he may prove a useful ally in the future. I also believe he can be manipulated. We have the soldiers to put him on the Iron Throne and see that he is Elected King, and to take him off should he prove recalcitrant or betray our trust. The Electors would love to see Lysandros deposed and empty a privy bucket on Styphons House."

"So the Electors claim, but aren't these the same fools that Elected Lysandros Great King?"

"Yes, but they foolishly believed that they could control Lysandros. They did not realize how deeply his hands were in Styphon's robe. Now that the Host of Styphon's Deliverance is besieging Agrys City, the Princes are fearful that Styphon's House will own Hos-Harphax because our king is in their pocket."

"Shoot me, if he isn't!" Phidestros laughed. "Rather than deal with his bunch of backstabbers, wouldn't it be easier to march my army into Harphax City, restore order and declare myself Great King?"

"Initially, but as a former Zygrosi, you have no claim to the Iron Throne. The Beshtans accept you as Prince, because they've had so many overlords they'd accept Ormaz himself if he promised peace!" She held up her hand. "Husband, remember you do have a line of descent to the Ivory Throne. If we can put our own claimant on the Iron Throne, that will help our cause in Hos-Zygros considerably.

"And," she continued, "I know my people. They will tolerate tyrants of their own blood, but never an outsider."

Phidestros rubbed his temples. "All this political wrangling gives me a headache. The course of battle is much clearer and the results more permanent."

Arminta laughed. "I think it's fun. I never dreamed I'd be in a position to play kingmaker! Husband, I believe it's time to take the Army to Harphax City and end the disorder."

"How will the people react?"

"With garlands and waving hands. My husband, you are the greatest Harphaxi military commander in two hundred winters. The man who defeated Great King Kalvan and drove him from Hos-Harphax. How could they not but love you? As long as you don't rise above your station, or overstay your welcome."

"What about Great King Lysandros? He's not going to accept being deposed. As soon as word reaches him, he'll pull his army out of the Grand Host and return to Hos-Harphax like he's got a torch riding his arse!"

"That, my husband, I will leave up to you. As we've discussed before, Lysandros has already given you the better part of his army and they will follow you to the Caverns of Regwarn! Meet his host in Hostigos and bring back his head preserved in salt for the mob in Harphax Town."

Phidestros nodded as he thought of the best place to attack Lysandros. It was up to the gods as to which one of them would return, but he wouldn't have bet a bent phenig on Lysandros' chances.

"What will we do with Queen Lavena? She's a bit of a wind head, but she was friendly to both of us."

"I like her." Arminta replied. "We'll put her under light restraint. A nice apartment with all the royal appointments and a good guard. We'll make sure that all the blame for this mess falls upon her husband's head. Let our intelligencers spread word she was just a backwoods girl taken in by an older man. The rabble will eat it up; she's pretty enough to win their hearts."

"Good. When this all settles down, we'll send Lavena back to Hostigos to live with her father. But what about the baby?" He took his forefinger and drew it across his throat.

Arminta's forehead furrowed.

Phidestros knew she had a soft heart, and he was curious to see what her solution might be.

"If it's a girl, there won't be any problem. If it's a boy, we can place him under our protection. If Prince Selestros doesn't have any legitimate heirs, we will be able to shape the heir to the Iron Throne. His brother, Philesteus, married young and died childless. For all the rumors of Selestros'affairs, no bastards have ever been produced. King Kaiphranos was childless until he was some forty winters old. Lysandros appears to be the only one of that dynasty who has no problems siring an heir."

Phidestros rose and lifted Arminta up off the hearth and into his arms. He gave her a big squeeze, saying, "That's one of the things I love about you. You always come up with the best solutions to our problems."
