Hestophes, with two of his bodyguards, and Primate Xentos were seated in one of the castle's lesser chambers. During the Council, at the Primate's recommendation, they had appointed Duke Mnestros, the only Agrysi at the table who had fought in the Fireseed War, as second-in-command. That had not been a popular decision among the Agrysi Princes, who all believed their princely titles made them eligible for command, but Prince Clytos of Glarth's support had made the difference.

"Primate, it is good to see you."

"And you, as well, Captain-General Hestophes. I'm sorry that these foolish men do not listen to the Allfather's commands. I fear we shall all pay for their folly."

"I am not surprised by their reluctance; after all, I am an outlander and one of Kalvan's generals. I've learned a lot of things, both in victory and defeat."

"It often takes adversity to bring out the best in a man. And, I know that Hostigos has seen a great deal of trouble since I was last there. Some of which may be rightfully laid at my hearth. Would I be wrong to say that I believe I am no longer in the good graces of Great King Kalvan and Queen Rylla?"

Hestophes tried to think of a way to honeycoat his words, but none came to mind. "No, you would not be wrong, Primate. Great King Kalvan remains disappointed that you were unable to marshal support for Hostigos from the League, while Queen Rylla believes you have betrayed your people and your office."

Xentos cleared his throat, then looked down at the marble flooring. "I would expect no less. There is much truth in her words, although in my defense I will say that I have always believed I was doing the Will of Dralm. However, it must also be said that the Allfather's Will is not always easy for mortal men to discern."

Hestophes replied, "Everyone-even the Great King-finds it difficult to live up to Great Queen Rylla's expectations. However, I am certain that Their Majesties would approve of your actions here today. Kalvan himself asked me to seek out your support for the war against Styphon's House."

"Praise Dralm, Hestophes. You are a good man and a worthy captain-general in the eyes of man and gods. The League will come to rue the day they passed you over and placed command of the League's Army in Prince Vython's hands. Politics often reigns over good judgment. Regardless, I fear we are already too late to save Agrys City."

Hestophes nodded. "That is true. The Styphoni Fleet owns the harbor. Grand Master Soton has learned much these past four years and will breach the walls of Agrys City even if it takes him an entire campaign season. Our best hope is to gather our forces quickly and march on the City before it falls, when his army is most vulnerable. Even should he sack and hold the City, Soton will find it much harder to subdue the countryside. As Kalvan would say, 'we will dog his every step and bite him in the arse at every bend."'

Xentos smiled wryly. "I miss those carefree days when Hostigos only had Gormoth of Nostor and Sarrask of Sask as enemies. I have always enjoyed Their Majesties' company. Now, Gormoth and my old friends Ptosphes and Harmakros are dead, and, miracle of miracles, Sarrask is now one of Kalvans paladins!" He shook his head in befuddlement as though confused by the will of the gods. "And, for now, the moment of our salvation is in uncertain hands."

"I will do my best to aid the League, for what I lack in men I make up for in resolve."

Xentos nodded. "The League expected a real army from Kalvan, although I can't imagine why, since they gave him none. It is enough in my eyes that he sent his greatest Captain-General and two companies. I fear this war will not go well. The Princes of Agrys have fought each other and their Great King for so long that it will be difficult to set them into the same harness."

Hestophes took out his pipe and tobacco pouch. "That is just the first of many problems their new commander will face. I'm almost glad that I will have no more pressing command than the reserve. Now, I have a question for you, Primate: Who is this Baron Ranthos you brought to the Council? The last time I saw him he was at the Royal Foundry in Hostigos and he was called Aranth."

"He told me that while the Foundry was under attack, he managed to escape the looting and destruction that followed. As far as Ranthos knows, everyone else at the compound was killed by the Red Hand. After recovering from a head wound, he met up with other refugees, deserters from the disaster at Phyrax Field and escapees from the cursed Investigation. To survive the Investigation, he organized the men into a fighting band. They preyed on small parties of Investigators by dressing in the uniforms of Styphon's Own Guard. His words were verified by the Hostigi in his company, several of whom I had known previously from Temple services.

"When pursuit by the Styphoni forces became too pressing, Ranthos contacted Captain-General Phidestros and offered to support him in Beshta. You might be unaware of this, but Great King Lysandros, in return for his victory over King Kalvan, gave Phidestros the Princedoms of Beshta and Sashta as boons for his successes. Phidestros was worried that Roxthar's Investigation might reach into his own Princedoms. For amnesty for himself and his men, Ranthos swore an oath of fealty to Phidestros and promised to protect his subjects from Roxthar and other bandits. He was quite successful in his efforts. Successful enough that Phidestros elevated him to baron."

Hestophes took out his pipe and opened his tobacco pouch. "I am attempting to view this dispassionately, as our Great King counsels. Still, I find it difficult to see our own vassals as the loyal subjects of one of our sworn enemies. Yet, having been in Hostigos when the Trail of Blood began, I find it difficult to criticize even a dishonorable exit from the Investigation and horrors that followed. "I might have done the same thing myself, to one day strike back at Styphon's House."

Xentos nodded. "The men who have sworn to Baron Ranthos say he is fair in his orders and in all ways performs in an honorable manner. Nor is he a lickspittle at Phidestros' Court; the new Prince uses him wisely and it was the Prince who suggested that Grand-Captain Ranthos join the League's Army as former Hostigi. It appears that his Prince does not want to see Styphon's House gain in power at another ruler's expense. That his Prince believes that Baron Ranthos, well-provisioned and with several hundred of the Prince's own troops, might be an important addition to the League's forces says much about Ranthos' esteem in the eyes of his Prince.

"Phidestros is no fool," Hestophes said. "Hos-Harphax is probably the next Great Kingdom to come under attack the moment Soton subdues Hos-Agrys."

Hestophes took a moment to spark his pipe tobacco. He drew deeply and said, "It is also truth that Aranth, or Ranthos as he calls himself now, was and is a Citizen of Grefftscharr and was sworn to Great King Kalvan as a guard for the Royal Foundry of Hostigos, which no longer exists. Therefore, he did not commit treason in swearing fealty to Prince Phidestros in his efforts to protect himself and those under his charge. If you truly believe Ranthos will obey his oaths and all orders, I will put him on the League's muster roll."

Xentos bowed his head and said a short prayer. "Great King Kalvan was truly wise to send you as his personal arm. Yes, Captain-General Hestophes, I believe Ranthos will be faithful to his oaths and your orders so long as he can draw a sword."

Under his breath, Hestophes heard Xentos mutter, "I only wish I could be of as much use."
