"Demi-Stratego Tymos, come to my tent. We need to talk."

"Yes, Arch-Stratego."

"Tymos, do you find it strange that we are sleeping outside the Nythros City walls, while all the other branches of the Grand Host are safely inside her walls?"

Tymos laughed bitterly. "Not in the least. Neither King Lysandros nor the Grand Commander value us, but see us as barbarians. I overhear them speak; the Zarthani swine think we are too stupid to learn their tongue which is only recently removed from our own."

Zarphu nodded, urging his subordinate to continue. He wanted to be certain that the men in the field shared his own concerns.

"Despite all we have done and the blood we have spilled to bring down the Tyrant Kalvan, they always put us at the head of the battle line and waste our men on feints that are doomed to fail. During their siege of Tarr-Hostigos, they sent us into to Glarth Town to take sea transport to Baltor."

"That was to save on supplies," Zarphu said. "From what I've heard of that siege, it was a cock-up from the start. We would have lost many men there. Praise the gods, the Zarthani are so arrogant they didn't see our value.

"Also, it was our job to ensure that those food and weapons shipments from Glarth Town arrived safely in Baltor. Styphon's False Temple does not have a large presence in the Saltless Seas. Someone was needed to ship the supplies to Baltor Town, build a supply depot and see that it remained undisturbed, while the Host squandered time destroying the turkey pen in Hostigos when the torn was long gone. Several times Grefftscharri intelligencers came by to assess our strength.

"Thanks to our field preparations outside Baltor Town, the Urgothi gave us proper respect and we had no problems. We were able to collect the rest of the shipments as they arrived. King Lysandros, rightfully, did not trust his Baltori agents. Furthermore, traveling by boat saved us from a grueling and unsatisfying overland journey with the rest of the Grand Host."

"Granted, Arch-Stratego, but that was not done for our comfort. Now that Arch-Stratego Phidestros and Grand Master Soton are gone, we are of little value to the Host. After our breakthrough at the Battle of Ardros Field, they at least valued our contributions and took us into their councils. These new Strategi use us badly, almost as if they want to spend our force before we can leave, which makes little sense since our Lord Tyrant has already been paid in gold for our services."

"You have echoed many of my concerns, Tymnos. Maybe they misuse us because they would rather spend our blood than their own. After all, we are bought and paid for. Or because they are too stupid to realize our value."

"Truth. The men are wondering, sir, just how long we will let this continue. Arch-Stratego, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I thought you might want to know."

"This is why I'm talking with you instead of my Stratagi. I'm thinking of leaving en masse as soon as spring arrives. But first I have a few questions."

"Yes, Arch-Stratego. But we'd best leave soon while we have enough men to exercise our will on the Host."

"I agree, Tymos. We have already lost half the soldiers who crossed the Sea of Grass with us. I promise you this, and you can tell the men, we will not fight for the godless Styphoni anymore. They are not worthy of our blood."

Tymos saluted. "Praise the Lord Tyrant and the True Gods, All-Father Dralmnos and War Bringer Galthar. Your questions, Arch-Stratego?"

"How many of the arquebusiers have we managed to 'find?'"

"We have taken as battlefield booty several hundred smoothbores and two secret captive gunsmiths. They will expedite the making of arquebuses when we arrive back in Antiphon. We also have stolen twenty-five barrels and kegs of fireseed. We also have the fireseed formula and one Hostigi captive who used to work at one of Kalvan's fireseed works. Unfortunately, their guns are too well-protected to steal. But under the knife one of our captured gunsmiths admitted that he knew the secrets of their manufacture."

"Excellent. You've done well, Tymos. I will see you are well-rewarded when we return to Antiphon, even if I have to reward you myself." He left unspoken that the Lord Tyrant Dyzar was more inclined to punish than reward, regardless of the service done. Sometimes he appeared to heap more punishment upon those who succeeded than those who failed. The whims of Tyrants and Gods are answerable to no man, he decided.

"Let the men know that when the roads are passable again, we will depart this depraved land. If anyone attempts to stop us, let them taste our blades!"

Tymos laughed. "These Zarthani pretenders don't have the guts to put it to the sword. But I hope they do. I'd like to see their faces when we open our wagon, like Kalvan does, and our firearms thunder. It's too bad we couldn't obtain one of their guns."
