Verkan Vail was running over the new muster lists for the Greffan Royal Army when he heard a commotion at the chamber doors. He quickly pulled out his hideaway pistol with his right hand and grabbed his dagger with his left. His hideaway flintlock pistol was a First Level replica, which actually held several hundred needier cartridges. With its firepower, he could take out a Temple Band of the Red Hand. Assuming, of course, they stood still like paper targets.

A moment later the door careened open and Dalla came crashing into the room, dragging two of his guards behind her.

The Captain of the Guard rushed in behind. "I'm sorry, sir, but this woman claims to be your wife…?"

"You're excused. You've just met Queen Dalla. Captain, don't penalize the men; my wife's a force of nature not to be thwarted by mere mortals." He quickly put away his weapons.

The Guard Captain, his face beet-red, turned smartly and exited the chamber.

Verkan rose from his chair, attempting to hug Dalla.

She pushed him away. "The nerve of you, leaving me all alone in Dhergabar to deal with all those politicos! How dare you!"

"It was your idea! You told me you could handle the job. I was giving you some breathing space. The newsies were after my hide and I didn't trust myself around them, especially Yandar Yadd! I figured you needed some time alone to learn the ropes-"

"So you threw me to the wolves!"

"Darling, you've got it all wrong. I didn't want you to have any distractions, and I had a political circus trailing my heels."

"I still can't believe you quit the Chief's job." She shook her head. "I thought you'd leave for a ten-day or two and come to your senses. I didn't really expect you not to return."

"Dalla, it was either stay away or I was going to kill someone. I don't have the patience to be a political bull's-eye. So, like I told you, I thought I'd take a vacation on Kalvan's Time-Line."

"Some vacation, Vail. I arrived at the Fifth Level Police Terminal, Greffa Equivalent, only to learn that you've made yourself King of Greffa! What's that all about?"

"It wasn't my idea… believe me. After we invested the City, Kalvan decided I was the best man for the Iron Throne. What could I do, Dalla? Turn him down? 'No. Great King Kalvan, I can't take the job; I'm a former Paratime Police Chief!' I don't think so. I didn't ask for the job, nor did I expect it."

"Well," Dalla said, shaking her head, "that much I believe. You do know this isn't going to help our situation once word reaches Home Time Line. Opposition called for a Vote of Confidence right after you left, and it came within several votes of passing. You know what that would have meant?"

Verkan nodded. "It's a mess, but I'm thinking about staying here in Greffa for the next fifty years so I don't have to worry about it."

'And what about me?"

"Darling, I've got a great idea. Why don't you resign, too? Then we can both stay here and run Greffa."

Dalla shook her head, hair flying. "Someone's got to take care of the mess you left behind, Vail. I know a lot of it isn't your fault, but much of it is. And there are problems you don't even know about. Deputy Bureau Chief Altarn Vor just finished briefing me on his investigation into the missing paratemporal conveyers; it's a lot worse than anyone suspected. It's not just Paratime Police conveyers; a lot of commercial units have vanished, too. To the order of several thousand. A lot of people are involved, possibly some of the Wizard Traders; it's too early too tell yet. But it's trouble, big trouble."

Verkan shrugged. "Dalla, really there's not much I can do from here. Sorry."

"So you refuse to help!"

"That sounds terrible when you put it like that, but no, I'm not going back. Our civilization has flourished for ten thousand years without my help; I suspect it can flourish for another ten thousand if I stay here."

"I'm asking for your help, Verkan, as your wife, not Chief Tharn."

"And I'm telling you I resigned once and I will not work for that outfit again, at least, not during this incarnation."

Dalla sputtered angrily. "If I walk out that door, I'm not coming back!"

"You know me, Dalla. I don't give in to blackmail-emotional or otherwise."

She spun around and slapped him on the cheek, hard enough that it knocked him off balance. "What the Styphon!"

Before he finished speaking, she'd torn out of the room. "Dalla, come back here!"

"Damn her," he cursed, following that with a few more choice words in Second Level Khiftan. If he followed her to First Level, he'd never have a moment's peace. No, this time, he was going to wait her out. And, if she didn't come back, the Styphon with her!
