This has been a terrible season for the Temple's finances, Xentos observed as he read over the account books. Tithes and donations were down by almost a quarter despite the record fall harvest, even attendance at the High Temple had dropped noticeably. It wasn't the Temple's fault that Kalvan had gone down to defeat against the Grand Host of Styphon's House in Hostigos, although it was difficult to try to explain that to superstitious peasants and townsmen who still believed their amulets protected them from the spirits of their ancestors. Unfortunately, too many here in Agrys City, and elsewhere, linked the fortunes of Great King Kalvan with the Temple of Dralm.

For a while, Xentos acknowledged, this linkage had been a good thing; that is, while Kalvan was winning battles against the ungodly House of Styphon and gaining converts to the Allfather. Now, the Temple's association with Kalvan was a huge problem.

Recently, Haltor, Styphon's House Highpriest of the Agrysi Great Temple, had been demanding and getting prohibitions against the High Temple of Dralm. Great King Demistophon was not only an impious and odious ruler, but a cowardly one as well. Although, one never knew when the Great King would lose his temper and suddenly gain a spark of courage, as he had with his foray into Thaphigos. Although, Xentos knew that Demistophon would have never dared to take so bold an action if King Lysandros had been in his seat and not some two thousand marches away.

Still, it wasn't fair to blame all of the Temple's problems upon Kalvan and Demistophon. Styphon's House with its Investigation and persecutions of the Allfather's followers deserved the panther's share of the blame. To compound matters, the Primate still felt badly whenever he pondered the fate of his former parishioners and friends. Too many, such as Ptosphes, Harmakros, Thalmoth and Phosg had died during the Siege of Tarr-Hostigos. Those that had survived the military attack had then suffered the depredations of Styphon's Investigation, the horrors of which he found hard to believe.

There was a very small community of Hostigi exiles in Agrys City who had fled the Styphoni persecutions. He did his best to protect them, but lately that didn't seem to be enough. Twice now Styphon's bravos had attacked the pitiful band of Hostigi, leaving several dead and many badly beaten.

The time had come to face up to the fact that the Temple of Dralm was under attack from all corners. It was time to marshal the Temple's forces. But how? King Demistophon was an impious fool and the League of Dralm was more interested in internal squabbles than fighting Styphon's House. Maybe a prayer to the Allfather was the Temple's only hope.

Allfather Dralm, forgive me because I have been blind to your enemies and their black hearts. I have failed you in Your greatest hour of need. Please provide me a sign!

There was a loud knock at the door.

Xentos felt his heart quicken, like that in a bird's breast. Could this be the sign from Allfather Dralm that I just requested"?

There was an explosion and the door blew open, knocking Xentos off his feet. The last thing he remembered was the smell of brimstone and an overpowering bright light.

When Xentos awoke it was to find himself stretched out in a cot in the Inner Sanctum of the High Temple. His head hurt terribly and he had the taste of burnt fireseed upon his tongue. "What happened?" he croaked.

"Praise Dralm, the Primate lives!" a voice cried out that he didn't recognize.

"Let me through," Highpriest Davros ordered. "Can you move your limbs?"

Xentos stretched his limbs one at a time, and except for a terrible pain in his left ankle all appeared well. "Yes, I'm all here. Dralm be praised!'

"Primate, you are truly under Allfather Dralm's protection," the Highpriest declared. "A gang of ruffians forced the door of our back portal and two entered the Temple and fought their way to your bed chambers. If it were not for the two Brothers who fought them off, they would have killed you with their swords."

Davros held up two wickedly sharp short swords. "These were hidden under their cloaks, along with the petard they used on your door. We believe they are agents of Styphon's House."


"Both were circumcised, Primate."

Xentos nodded. It was true that in the Great Kingdoms only the Temple of Styphon practiced such a barbaric rite upon its priesthood. All initiates to Styphon's House's temples were circumcised as part of their initiation rites. Those young men who survived the rite were deemed worthy to serve their evil god and granted permission to wear the white robe of the outer circle. It was also not unknown for those who wished to curry favor with Styphon's House to undergo the circumcision surgery; it was a dangerous stratagem as many who underwent the surgery died from the fester devils.

Davros continued, "We have already sent a formal letter of complaint to Great King Demistophon. Their hair is cut short in the style of Hos-Ktemnos so we believe they were dispatched from Balph. Maybe this will awaken our Great King from his slumber."

Xentos shook his head. "No, Davros. Only the destruction of the High Temple and all our deaths might accomplish such a miracle. The Great King does not want to see the truth, but only what his heart desires. He wants territory and Styphon's gold. He cares nothing about our struggle against the One-God fanatics. But it is my duty to speak to him anyway; it is always possible that the spirit of Dralm may enter his heart."
