Prince Phrames had not expected much in the way of opposition once the Army of the Saltless Sea had blasted a breach in the city walls, but even he'd been speechless when the Thagnori contingent cowering behind the walls had immediately surrendered. He'd left the prisoners, numbering over a thousand, under guard and split the Army of the Saltless Seas into ten divisions, each one taking a different route through Thagnor City.

The narrow cobblestone and brick city streets were mostly empty of people with only an occasional barricade at the larger intersections. After a musket volley or two, the Thagnori soldiers behind the barricades would put their helmets on their swords and cry out, "Oath to Thanor!," the Urgothi war god. He'd have their weapons confiscated and send the prisoners back to the breach under guard, where they'd be gathered together.

Every once in a while someone would fire a crossbow bolt or old arquebus out an upstairs window and they'd storm the building, but overall casualties were very light. It wasn't until they reached Old Town, which held the Prince's palace and several civic buildings, that they ran into any determined opposition.
