For the first time in his life, King Theovacar knew what it was like to feel like an old man. He was seated in the inner chamber of the Ragyath palace and could not get warm, even though it was almost summer. The loss of his Northern Fleet had hit him like a physical blow. When coupled with his defeat at the hand of the Usurper's army, it left him shaken like nothing before in his life. It was even worse that his army had only been saved from total annihilation by King Lysandros, a man he despised! He tried to drink from his goblet, but his hands were shaking so hard that he couldn't lift the wine to his mouth without spilling it on his beard.

He'd lost almost a third of the men he'd brought to Thagnor from Greffa. They were either dead or suffering from wounds that would leave them crippled for life. The remainder of the Army was shaken to the core; they had never faced so many fireseed weapons and men-at-arms who were better armored and better trained. The most embarrassing part was how poorly they had appeared to the Zarthani and their masters, Styphon's House.

He didn't even want to think about the disaster that had struck his Navy and Marines like some terrible gale! Fortunately, they still had the Southern Fleet to keep their enemies from taking advantage of this terrible defeat. Regardless, it would be years before enough ships were launched to replace all those lost in Thagnor Harbor.

There was a knock at the door and one of his Companions called out, "Captain-General Petrus is outside, Your Majesty. He has an urgent message from Greffa."

What now? Theovacar wondered. Has Thanor struck the Great Palace with one of his lightning bolts?

Petrus, his face pale and shaken, walked reluctantly into the chamber.

"What is it, Petrus?"

"Your Majesty, the City has fallen! The City is now in Kalvan's hands!"

"AAAAhhhh!" he screamed, throwing his arms up in the air to implore the gods.

"Is everything all right in there?" asked one of his Companions, banging on the door.

"Yes," answered Petrus, before it was kicked in by the Guard. "The King has just received more bad news."

"My wife, my children?"

"They were evacuated before the Hostigi arrived."

"Praise the gods! My people, what of them?"

"Prisoners or dead. I know not which as this news is a quarter moon old."

"We must return to Greffa!"Theovacar cried as he looked around in all directions.

"No, Your Majesty. We do not have enough men left to retake the City. If we go off half-cocked, we will be finished."

"May the gods curse the Styphoni who have led me astray. Is it too late to make peace with Kalvan?"

Petrus nodded. "Yes. I do not know what the Usurper's plans are for our City, but I do not foresee the Usurper Kalvan returning it to Your Majesty unless you surrender and end the war. Such a capitulation to the Usurper would result in Your Majesty being saddled with stringent and onerous conditions."

"I will not bind myself to any man. We are Grefftscharri from the oldest and greatest civilization in the world."

"Yes, Your Majesty. However, there are other princes and kings in the Upper Kingdoms who will see your defeats as an opportunity to increase their own majesty. We must leave this gods-forsaken land immediately and head to Helmout Town or Ult-Greffa and declare one of them your new capital."

"Which one do you suggest?"

"Ult-Greffa, as it was once the capital of Grefftscharr and holds a place in every citizens heart. Also, you will have close access to the Iron Trail."

"Petrus, start making preparations. I will talk to my admirals tonight."

"What about your allies, Your Majesty?"

Theovacar spat upon the ground. "To Hadron with the lot of them! They will know I'm gone when they see the dust of our leaving."

"But we must tell them something, Your Majesty."

"Fine, Petrus. I'll write a dispatch and, after we have left for Ult-Greffa, you can inform King Lysandros and the Grand Commander that we have left and why. We may yet find them useful. However, I suspect their so-called siege will give them no more satisfaction than our Navy found in Thagnor Harbor."
