"It is good to see you, Captain-General Hestophes," Duke Mnestros of Eubros said. They were seated inside a tavern in Eubros Town, a few marches from the palace. "I still get laughs with the story of the phony Agrysi invasion of Nyklos we staged for the Grand Host. We killed a lot of Styphon's dogs together!"

Hestophes nodded. While the young Duke had welcomed him profusely, he still detected a strong undercurrent of disappointment. Nor did Mnestros appear anxious to present him to his father, Prince Thykarses. Had the League of Dralm actually believed their plea would bring Kalvan himself to Hos-Agrys for their deliverance? If so, they were greater fools than anyone had previously believed.

"I must ask, Captain-General, where is the rest of your army?"

Now it comes. Hestophes held out his hands, palms up. "This is it. Great King Kalvan has just founded a new kingdom, Nos-Hostigos, and needs all his men to fight off the combined might of the King of Grefftscharr and Styphon's Grand Host. Two regiments of cavalry were all the Great King could spare."

Mnestros was still young and could not hide the disappointment that wrote itself on his face. "I know the League is not in the Great King's good graces at the moment, but now we are all allied in the fight against the False Temple of Styphon."

Hestophes nodded, "In the past, Great King Kalvan has been very disappointed in the League, as you know from your talks with him. Other than yourself, he has never received any military support from the League of Dralm. He is, however, a friend of yours, which is why he sent me and his regiments."

"But, we… had hoped that King Kalvan would give us enough support that the League might send Soton and his army back to the sea from which they sprang."

"Then the Styphoni haven't arrived yet?" Hestophes asked.

"No, but we expect them shortly. Thebra City is the only Harphaxi port large enough to hold all the ships Styphon's House has sent to support Soton's invasion. Styphon's House will ship Soton's Host of Styphon's Deliverance to Agrys Harbor supported by an armada of ships. Great King Demistophon has recently put the Home Fleet on active duty and has emplaced more guns at the harbor forts. However, the Agrys' Navy is small and underfunded; they will not stop Styphon's Armada. Nor will Demistophon's guns keep the Styphoni out of Agrys Harbor for long."

"With most of Hos-Harphax picked clean of soldiers for Lysandros' Army," Hestophes said, "I'm surprised the League didn't assemble a force to meet Soton as his army disembarked from their galleys. That's when Soton would have been most vulnerable. Has the League, at the very least, begun to build up an army?"

"Yes," the younger man said, looking sheepish. "But it will be another moon before most of them are gathered together. To date, we have only mustered about six thousand men."

Hestophes shook his head in disbelief. "It's been over five moons since the League sent Great King Kalvan its request for our aid. I had fully expected to be greeted by at least three times that number!"

Mnestros shrugged his shoulders. "Some of the Princes refused to believe that Soton would dare attack Hos-Agrys and did not call upon their liegemen for their levy. Several, such as Prince Phrynoss of Arbelon, are members of the Union of Styphon's Friends and have actively worked against us."

Where have these Princes been for the past four winters? Did they foolishly believe the Fireseed War would continue to be confined only to Hos-Harphax and Hos-Hostigos?

"Who is in command of your army?"

"Prince Vython of Agrys. He is Great King Demistophon's uncle and the Kingdom's most respected general."

"How old is he?" Hestophes asked.

"Over sixty-five winters, Captain-General."

"Then he knows nothing of the new art of war that Kalvan teaches. Soton has been a student for four winters. I will help you in your war against Styphon's House, but only if I am given command of the League's Army and can put my own man, General Halmoth, in charge of supplies and provisions."

Mnestros appeared crestfallen. "I know that you are Great King Kalvan's greatest general, since Captain-General Harmakros died at the fall of Tarr-Hostigos and have the Great King's complete confidence. Still, few in Hos-Agrys know of your victories. Nor do I have the authority to provide you with such powers, Captain-General. That is up to the League Council. They will be meeting in a half-moon at Tarr-Kryphlon. I will propose your election, but I can make no promises."
