Styphon's Own Voice went to the window of his palatial apartment at the top floor of the Great Temple and stared out the glass at the tens of thousands of celebrants flooding the Great Square of Styphon. News of the Host of Styphon's Deliverance's great victory over the Army of the League of Dralm had only arrived this morning at first light. Another great victory in the war to consolidate the Five Kingdoms under Styphons House's rule had been won.

If anyone still alive had ever thought Great King Demistophon was trustworthy, those thoughts were put to rest when his uncle took command of the League of Dralm's Army and the King refused to join the attack against Grand Master Soton, leaving the League's Army outmanned and soundly defeated. Now the League of Dralm Army was in tatters and there was no one left to come to the King's aid.

The siege of Agrys City was still in place, but the City would be taken before summer turned into fall. He had just overseen the casting of ten new eighteen-pound guns, which would be finished and shipped to Hos-Agrys within a moon.

Soton's dispatch had been full of criticisms of Archpriest Roxthar and his Investigation. Maybe it was time to send his own personal guard under the command of Archpriest Grythos, to act as a counterweight to Roxthar and Styphon's Own Guard. Grythos was a former Knight Commander in the Order of the Zarthani Knights and one of the few priests in Balph not afraid of the Investigator.

Finally, Soton had asked for his direction upon whom to appoint as regent and temporary ruler of Hos-Agrys after the city fell. Demistophon was unmarried and childless, while his uncle, Prince Vython of Agrys, had been killed in the attack. Vython had once been married, but his wife had died of childbirth fever and his daughter with her. He had remained unmarried until his death.

There were some cousins, but Grand Master Soton had almost single-handedly finished off the ruling dynasty of Hos-Agrys. Anaxthenes couldn't trust Soton to behead Demistophon when the city fell, but Archpriest Grythos could be counted on to ensure that the King was executed. He used his bell pull to call in an underpriest.

A young man with a shaven head, like his own, and black robe and cowl answered the bell. "Your Divinity, you rang?"

"Yes. Have Archpriests Danthor, Heraclestros and Grythos brought to my chambers."

"Yes, Your Divinity," the underpriest answered as he scampered out the door.

It was interesting, as well as a sign of his own popularity, that most of the novices and underpriests now shaved their heads. In a manner of speaking they were all his sons, he thought, with more satisfaction than he'd have previously credited such a notion.

Archpriest Heraclestros was the first to arrive. He was a big man with arms like thick branches, and a wide face with two deep-set dark eyes.

"Your Divinity, you requested my presence."

"Yes, old friend. I have need of your services. We have received word that Great King Demistophon has had Our High Temple Highpriest murdered and our temples pillaged."

"Demistophon? Where did that tub of whale blubber get the stones to oppose us?"

"I suspect it was orchestrated by the Hostigi, Primate Xentos of the False God Dralm. He has long been a dagger in our side. It is time to remove him and his traitorous Council of Dralm. Without Xentos to urge them on, the League will dissolve."

"You have my support, Your Divinity."

Anaxthenes sighed. "I didn't ask you here for your support! I want you to take the first ship to Agrys City and to personally oversee the rebuilding of Our temples there. You were Highpriest of the Agrys High Temple for twelve winters before your elevation to the Inner Circle. You know Agrys City and its people.

"You can take fifty upper priests, two hundred lower priests and a thousand novices with you. You will use the gold stolen from Us and whatever else you need from the Royal Treasury to do so. I will give you explicit orders in my own hand. Anyone, including the Holy Investigatory, who countermands them will face my wrath! Is that understood?"

"Yes, but I'm doing such good work here in Balph, Your Divinity."

Sure, Anaxthenes thought, you've got your own harem and a new mansion on the outskirts of Balph that is the envy of the rest of the Inner Circle.

"I need someone familiar with Agrys' nobility and politics. As former Highpriest of the High Temple of Hos-Agrys, you know where all the dead bodies are buried, as well as which nobles have supported Us and which have not. This is not a request, Heraclestros, but an order! As of this moment, you are the new Highpriest of Hos-Agrys. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Your Divinity," Heraclestros said, his face as white as the underbelly of a fish.

"Good. I want you to join Grand Master Soton and the Host of Styphon's Deliverance so that you will be in place to see Our work is done as soon as the Agrys City falls. Grand Master Soton will also be given orders to support your work with the full weight of his army over all other Archpriests-that includes Archpriest Roxthar! Is that clear, Heraclestros?"

"Styphon's Will be Done, Your Divinity."

There was a polite knock at the door.


"Archpriest Danthor is in the anteroom, Your Divinity," the underpriest announced.

"Tell him to wait. Heraclestros, you may prepare for your leave-taking."

"Yes, Your Divinity."

When he had left, Anaxthenes rang the bell that summoned the underpriest. 'Archpriest Danthor may now be admitted."

The underpriest bowed and left.

A few moments later, Archpriest Danthor entered the chamber. "Apologies, Your Divinity. I would have answered your summons sooner, but I was at the Temple Archives."

Anaxthenes nodded. "It's nothing urgent, but I do have some questions for you. First, what is your opinion on how the new Ktemnoi regent is doing his job?"

Danthor paused for a moment. "Grand Duke Lukthos is doing a good job in that he rarely takes an interest in the affairs of state except when directed to do so by Archpriest Neamenestros. Then Lukthos does as he is told. He is vastly more interested in using his position to seduce the daughters of the nobility. We've already had to pay off fifty thousand ounces in gold to keep his indiscretions under the covers, so to speak."

Anaxthenes laughed. "That we can easily afford. What we can't tolerate is Lukthos showing any interest in Ktemnosi politics."

Danthor smiled. "I don't think there's much chance of that happening, not in this lifetime."

"Don't be so sure. We have received disturbing news that Prince Selestros of Hos-Harphax has 'been touched' by Allfather Dralm-if you can believe that!"

"Next, pigs will fly!"

Anaxthenes said. "I like that expression. I've never heard it before. Did you find that in some crinkled old scroll?"

Danthor shrugged his shoulders. "Probably. I read a lot. Are you sure that this is Prince Selestros, His Majesty of Sties and Sluts, that we're talking about?"

"Yes, I have it on good information from one of Archpriest Phyllos' informers. Even worse, he is now preaching that Dralm is the First God and that Styphon is the Lord of Demons. The peasants and townsmen appear to be devouring his words."

"Yes, the riots. Weren't they started by a play about King Kaiphranos that Great Queen Lavena oversaw and had performed at the Royal Palace?"

"Yes, by all accounts she's a silly fool," Anaxthenes pronounced. "The complete opposite of her cousin, Queen Rylla. But, Lysandros is smitten with her so we will have to accommodate him-for the time being. He is still the co-commander of the Grand Host, although I hear that he's not doing nearly as well as the former commander, Prince Phidestros. Blood will tell."

"Blood will tell, Your Divinity? What does that mean?"

"Lysandros is from a weak line of Kings, while on the other hand Prince Phidestros is the unrecognized bastard of Grand Duke Eudocles of Hos-Zygros."

"How did you learn that, Your Divinity?"

"One of our Highpriests, formerly from Hos-Zygros, noticed the physical resemblance between the two men. When he came to me with this news, I sent some of our intelligencers to search out the truth. A few bribes did the job. They are father and son. Duke Eudocles is a man after my own heart; he's not afraid to do whatever it takes to get the job done. His older brother is ailing and soon he will be the new Great King and help solidify our control over the Five Kingdoms."

"Is he in our pay?" Danthor asked.

"Oh, yes. To the sum of five hundred thousand ounces of gold. We own him and soon the Ivory Throne."

"What about Selestros, Your Divinity? What will you do with him?"

"If we had him assassinated, the uproar would be too great. Thus, we are forced to tolerate him until King Lysandros returns. Lysandros will see that he's dispatched, regardless of public opinion."

"In what capacity, Your Divinity, do you need my services?"

"Danthor, I want you to research the Royal Family lineage of Hos-Agrys. We are looking for a blood relation beneath the age of majority for the Throne of Light. Once we have our candidate, any others you've uncovered will be put away or dispatched. The younger the better, as it will be that much longer before they reach their majority."

"Your Divinity, may I use my own staff, as well as those of the Temple?"

"Of course, send men you trust to dig up anything you need. Remember, the full resources of Styphon's House are behind your quest."

The young underpriest poked his head in the door again. "Your Divinity, Archpriest Grythos is here."

"Send him in."

"Should I leave, Your Divinity?" Danthor asked.

"No. I want you to attend this meeting. You have useful ideas and this is a time for such men as ourselves."

The big Archpriest came into the room, bowing in the direction of Styphons Voice and nodding to Danthor. "I take it this meeting has something to do with the news that the morning sun brought with it, Your Divinity?"

"Yes, Grythos. We are preparing for the succession to the Throne of Light."

"What about Great King Demistophon? Will he be of use once the City has been taken?"

"Maybe, in the past. But Demistophon has thrown his lot in with the False God Dralm and his followers. He can no longer be trusted."

Grythos nodded. "Will you leave Grand Master Soton to rule in his stead?"

"No, the Grand Master is more useful elsewhere. As you have doubtlessly heard, the barbarian Warlord Sargos has returned from his war with the Mexicotal with great success and much gold and silver. They say it took a train of a thousand horses and mules to pull all his treasure wagons!"

Grythos smacked his lips. "By Styphon, such fortune is truly wasted on such a barbarian! I take it his cause was greatly helped by King Kalvan's handguns and fireseed."

"No doubt. The Mexicotal have none. We may have to make some changes to our trade agreements in the coming years."

"That would not go over well in Hos-Ktemnos, Your Divinity, were word ever to leak out of Balph that we were trading fireseed with the Mexicotal," Danthor cautioned.

"I know," Anaxthenes said. "Nor would the Middle Kingdom rulers take such a policy lightly; however, since the Fireseed Mystery has been released, we can always use intermediaries to do our work. I will put it under advisement for the time being.

"Grythos, I want you to leave in two days for Hos-Agrys. Archpriest Heraclestros will join you with his retinue. He is my choice as the new Highpriest of Hos-Agrys. Grythos, you are my choice to be the regent for our new Great King. I expect the two of you to work in close concert. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Divinity."
