Santa Clara Temporary Detention Facility, Dahlgren Naval Station, Balboa, Terra Nova

Major Rojas was waiting with Carrera and Parilla. Only Parilla was standing, as Carrera's beating had been long and thorough. His face was a swollen, mottled ruin, nose twisted to one side, one ear half detached where a boot had scoured it. His lips were split and a couple of teeth had gone missing.

Volgan infantry poured off the rapidly opened clamshell doors at the backs of three Legion helicopters. Their bayonets were fixed and there was blood in their eyes. Parilla moved directly in front of Rojas, who was trying his best not to soil his trousers.

"Leave this one and his men alone," Parilla shouted. "There are two bound prisoners in the lower level. Bring them to me alive."

Lourdes had followed on the heels of the infantry. One look at Carrera, lying on a stretcher, had her sprinting for his side and throwing herself over him, sobbing and wailing at the damage done to the man she loved.

"What have they done to you, Patricio, my very dearest."

"Nozink . . . goo . . . I t'ink," he got out through bloody, swollen lips. "Lon' tahm wit' t'e den'is' for me, nu."

"Thank God, at least you're still alive." She had her arms around Carrera's body, her face pressed against his neck. Carrera, too, had his arms around her, but was too weak to hold very tightly. He assumed she didn't kiss him because his lips were such a ruin.

"Roca'er'i tol' me 'ee ha' somewhu 'ape you. I swear 'ee'll pay, Lour'es."

She hesitated a moment, collecting her thoughts, then backed off to look in his eyes. "I wasn't raped, Patricio." Which is the truth if not the whole truth. "I'm fine." Also something less than the truth.

Carrera twisted his head. "Rau'?"

"Here, Patricio," Parilla answered.

"Don' le' anywhu execu'e t'e bas'ar's, please? No' ye'."

"Of course, my friend."

Carrera stirred again. "Lour'es, wha' abou' Mac?"

"He . . . he died, Patricio. And Linda's trixie, Jinfeng, too, was killed for trying to give us warning."

After that, Carrera couldn't speak for a very long time. When he did, it was to say, "Ah'm goin' to crucify t'em all."
