Federated States Airborne Command and Control Ship (ACCS), 271 miles east of Santander, Terra Nova

The defensive laser mounted on the airship cracked once, loudly, causing the weapons and radar officers to cheer. "That recon skimmer is toast, sir," Weapons announced.

The lieutenant on the radar frowned, checked, rechecked, and then said, "Sir, the Santanderns are sending up their air force . . . well . . . some of it."

When the senior officer aboard walked near to hunch over the radar screen the lieutenant pointed out two blips as they arose and then separated over Santa Fe. "It isn't much, sir," the lieutenant said, "but it could put a crimp in operations."

Oh, dear. The colonel walked across the deck to communication station. He told the commo officer to set a radio for a broad spectrum transmission, without encryption. "OK, all you people out there. I know who you are, and you know who I am. What you probably don't know is that there are two bogies up looking for you." The colonel read off the course, altitude, and speed of the two Santandern craft. "Just trying to lend a helping hand. Good luck and Godspeed. Out."
