Fort Muddville, Balboa, Terra Nova

Though built around a large infantry brigade, Janier's command included both air and naval components, as well as some foreign detachments. As such, the brigade staff was a joint-combined staff. As such, each staff section contained officers, warrants, and non-commissioned officers from the other services, and some from other states in the Tauran Union. Lieutenant de Vaisseau—Lieutenant of the Line—Surcouf was the Gallic senior naval type on de Villepin's intelligence staff.

Surcouf shook his head, wonderingly.

"What's that?" asked de Villepin.

"Oh, the latest little Balboan submarine just left the pen at Puerto Lindo," the lieutenant answered. "A test run, I suppose, since it's brand new. Our people doing observation aboard the yacht just waved it out. I honestly don't know why those people even bother; the things are so outrageously noisy that we could find this one, or any of its siblings, any time we like. Seems like such a waste of money and manpower."

"Think we should dispatch the southern frigate"—there was a frigate at each terminus of the Transitway—"to track it?" de Villepin asked.

Surcouf thought about it for a moment before answering, "No . . . no, sir, I think not. If Ney tracks it they'll know they're easily spotted. Then they might actually start thinking about and then fix the problem with the noisemakers they think of as water jets. Better this way, I think. Big surprise for the Balboans if it ever comes to a fight."

"Fair enough," de Villepin agreed. "What's Charlemagne's progress?"

"Four days sailing; then she'll be here."

De Villepin nodded, then said, "It's kind of odd, isn't it, that the locals aren't reacting to the approach of the carrier. It's not like it's a secret. And one would think that it would at least alarm them some, cause some limited mobilization. But nothing. Not even an increase in telephone traffic."

"I agree it's odd, sir. But who can understand these people, anyway?"

Maybe nobody, de Villepin thought. I wish I could, though.
