UEPF Spirit of Peace, Solar System

Richard was being very talkative. Seated at her own mess with the ship's captain, Marguerite suppressed a smile. Watching Richard trying—painfully trying—to keep his mouth moving and his eyes off of Esmeralda had become more than amusing.

Except that—Dammit!—I've come to care for the both of them. But he's a Class One and she's just a peasant girl I rescued, barely rescued, from slavery. Where do they have a future together in our world? Not even in the computer generated pulp romances they print for the lower classes. Not even on the public television shows.

And anyway, while his face shouts that he's in love, hers is much harder to read. Our class nearly killed the poor thing. I doubt she has much room for love for us. I foresee pain in Richard's future, much pain.

Should I try to help? Hell, no. I'm no kind of matchmaker. I know not the first little thing about romantic love, never had any room for it, what with being at the beck and call of whatever Class One wanted me bent over a desk or down on my knees.

She suppressed a bitter thought. I wonder what life might have been like if one of them had ever looked at me the way Richard looks at Esmeralda . . .

She couldn't help sighing at dreams she'd never really been allowed to have.

"High Admiral?" Richard enquired at the sigh.

"Nothing, Captain," Marguerite answered. Well, why not give them the chance, if only for a bit, to have some of what I never did?

Wallenstein pushed the plate away from her and stood. Richard began to follow until she gestured him back to his seat.

"I've got a little work to do," she lied. "You finish your dinner, Captain. Esmeralda, please see to the Captain's needs."

"Yes, High Admiral," the serving girl said, with a curtsey.

* * *

Immediately as the door whooshed shut behind Wallenstein, Richard shut up, turned his reddening face down towards the plate, and commenced eating mechanically.

I can talk with her in public, on the bridge, he fumed. Why can't I speak with her in private?

The silence went on for several awkward minutes before Esmeralda asked, "Would you care for some more wine, Captain?"

Richard, in mid chew and not expecting the question, choked . . . literally. He began to choke so badly, in fact, that Esmeralda had to put down the carafe she'd picked up and rush to his side to pound on his back.

His choking ended, but not the sense of embarrasment that made him think, Why couldn't I have just died? Muttering something unintelligible, Richard, Earl of Care, stood and left the Admiral's mess for his own quarters.
