SdL 2, Orca, Shimmering Sea, Terra Nova

Quijana could read the forward screen as well as any man aboard. Orca now had not only two torpedoes in pursuit, another two had plonked in ahead and to either side.

I'd take some satisfaction in the knowledge that we took a lot a killing, he thought, except that in a few minutes I'm going to be too dead to feel anything. I do take some satisfaction in taking out two for one.

Hmmm. Confession time? Maybe so.

"Garcia?" he asked.

"Yes, skipper."

"I've got to clear my soul on this. Pedraz booted me, I didn't jump. But I can't say I was sorry he did. I was relieved."

The exec, Garcia, just nodded. Why not? Any man might feel the same.

"Goodbye, Miguel," the XO said, right at the end.
