Presidential Palace, Ciudad Balboa, Terra Nova

There was firing—all small arms, so far—around the perimeter of the old city enclave. That was the two companies of civil police still loyal to the Rocaberti's. They had the advantage of fighting from buildings but neither the arms nor the training to do so with any long term prospects for success. From the old Palace, the firing seemed to be growing ever closer.

"It's too late, Mr. President," Pigna said, upon his return. "None of my units will listen and the few officers I brought into the plot late have either turned or been shot. We've got to get out of here, now. It's all over. We've lost."

At the word, "lost," Barletta, who was present now, put his head in his hands with despair. Can a man have made a greater mistake? he asked himself.

"No" said the President. "The Taurans will help us. They must. Has there been any word from their general or their Ambassador?" he asked.

An aide answered, hesitantly, "It seems that the Castilian battalion at Fort Williams has defected and is currently engaged in battling some of the TU commandos at Gatun River. The mechanized troops at the Bridge of the Colombias are probably going to be pulling back to Fort Muddville. And General Janier reports that the Charlemagne is pulling back to the docks at the Dahlgren Naval station and recovering its aircraft."

The President hesitated. "Fine. We'll go now. But send the orders to where Carrera and Parilla are being held. I want them and any other prisoners we hold all shot within the hour. They'll not live to laugh over our failure."

"By sea or by land?" Pigna asked. "Forget that, stupid question. With the Frog carrier pulling back the other side owns the sea."

"Yes," Rocaberti agreed. "Our only chance of survival is to get to the Taurans. If we can do that, it's even possible that the Federated States might intervene and force them to give us back this much."

Pigna said nothing, but shook his head.

Rocaberti looked dismally around his ornate office. It was hard, hard, leaving his life, the remnants of his power, and his chance for revenge behind. The rump President waited until the order to kill Carrera and Parilla was transmitted, then left his office for his limousine and safety among the Taurans. Pigna and the Chief of the City's police, along with some few others, followed.
