UEPF Spirit of Brotherhood, in orbit around Terra Nova

The bridge crew, eyes fixed on their stations and their instruments, didn't see Battaglia, Duke of Pksoi, chewed on his right forefinger nervously.

I should have been told already, the duke fretted, that Wallenstein's been spaced. There's been plenty of time for a court-martial by now. A messenger drone should have popped the rift and broadcast months ago. But . . . nothing. I suspect I'd better get used to the idea she's returning to command. Dammit.

Seated to Battaglia's fore, the intelligence desk officer announced, "Captain, we've got some unusual activity around the Isthmus of Balboa and the Republic of Santander. A lot of troops moving by air. Some naval activity, too. The numbers aren't so unusual, sir, but they're crossing from Balboa into Santander and that is unusual."

"We're not over Balboa," Battaglia said.

"No, sir," agreed intel. "We're getting this from Spirit of Harmony, which is in orbit over that part of the world."

"Identities of the parties?" the Duke of Pksoi asked.

"No idea, captain. Harmony's too far out for image identification and there's nothing in the clear on the EM spectrum."

"Have them send down a skimmer for a closer look," Battaglia said.

"Aye, sir . . . sir, Harmony says it will be a while."
