“That's it!” bellowed the Governor. “You've got two days to put your affairs in order and clear out.

You're fired!”

“I wouldn't release that to the press for a few hours yet, Josh,” said Hill. “And why not?”

“It won't make the headlines until they're through running the story about Canphor VI turning down our apology.”

The intercom flicked off without another comment from Bellows. “We haven't got much time,” said Hill to his aides. “Three hours from now every human in the Deluros system will be screaming for war, and by tomorrow morning the rest of the human worlds will be out for blood too. If Josh wants to keep his political scalp, he'll have to attack—and if I know Josh, he'll procrastinate until it's too late.”

“I don't see that you can do anything about it,” volunteered one of the aides. “That's why I'm your boss instead of the other way around,” said Hill. “Send the following message to Greeley, unscrambled.'’ He paused, trying to get the words straight in his mind, and then began dictating. Admiral:

The content of this message is of such import I that we've no time for code. The planned attack on

the Canphor system will take place in five days’ time. The delay is regrettable, but the bulk of our

fleet is engaged in maneuvers on the Rim. Do not—repeat, do not—move in until that time, as you

can expect no assistance from Deluros VIII prior to the return of the fleet. Should there be any

doubt whatsoever concerning your orders, return immediately to base at Deluros V.

Melvyn Hill,

Assistant to the Governor

Hill looked up. “What's the latest frequency that Canphor VI has cracked?” “H57, about a week ago.”

“Good. Send it on H57, but in Terran. We don't want to make it look too easy for them.” “What if Greeley attacks?” asked an aide. “He won't,” said Hill. “He doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about, so he'll come racing back to base, just in time to help fend off the Canphor fleet.” Hill walked out his door and strolled casually over to Bellows's office. He smoked a cigar, checked his watch, decided that the message would have been sent and intercepted by now, and walked in. The security agents had already been instructed that he was no longer a member of the staff, and they barred his way. After sending through his formal request to see the Governor, he was kept cooling his heels in the outer office for another hour before he was finally ushered in. “I don't know why I'm wasting time like this,” began Bellows. “I've got nothing to say to you.” “But I've got a lot to say to you, Josh,” said Hill. “Especially since this is probably the last time we'll ever speak together. May I sit down?”
