respects quite the most remarkable building ever erected by any race.
Much of the credit for its design, if not its ultimate fate, must go to Ebar Mallow, perhaps the most brilliant architect to come on the scene since the creation of Caliban. Even now, the Bureau still functions as it was designed to do; the pity of it, of course, is that... —Origin and History of the Sentient Races, Vol. 9 “What the hell isthat ?” asked Mallow, gesturing toward the huge structure that was being moved into his office.
“That, my bookish friend, is a chair,” said Verlor, walking into the office as the workmen left. “A chair forwhat ?” demanded Mallow, trying to picture the type of creature that could fit comfortably into the thing and failing dismally.
“The ambassador from Castor V,” said Verlor. “I didn't even know Castor had any intelligent life,” said Mallow. “According to our psychologists, they crossed over from nonthinking beast to thinking beast about three thousand years ago. According to the Castorites, they've been an intelligent species for longer than Man has been around.”
“Surely he's not coming here to debate the issue,” said Mallow disgustedly. “I'll be happy to grant his species intelligence since the Big Bang if it'll make him happy. Especially if he can fill that chair.” “He's got other reasons for seeing you,” said Verlor. “As I understand it, he wants to talk about the Bureau.”
“Not a chance,” snapped Mallow. “I spent seven years getting those plans approved by the Floating Kingdom, and I'm not about to make any last-minute changes because of some elephantine bigwig from Castor!”
“Calm down,” said Verlor. “We don't even know what he wants.” “It doesn't matter,” said Mallow. “No changes!” “Look,” said Verlor. “We've all got orders. Yours are to design and build the Bureau. Mine are to see that our guest is treated with every courtesy. This is no small-time bureaucrat; he's the Castorian ambassador to the Commonwealth.”
“You mean Castor's not even a member of the Commonwealth?” said Mallow. “Its status is up in the air at the moment. They've been asked—politely—to join. If they decide not to...” “They'll be asked unpolitely,” concluded Mallow. “In all likelihood,” agreed Verlor. “At any rate, any unpleasantness with the ambassador is to be initiated by the Floating Kingdom, not by you. Understood?” “Understood,” said Mallow distastefully. “When do we expect this visitor of yours?”