“That ought to be enough,” mused Hermione. Then: “Would you please open up a line of communication

with Ramor for me?'’

A few moments later she was conversing with a man who, if not the head of the Ramorian planetary government, was at least authorized to speak for that personage. “The shipHaiti , out of Deluros VIII, race of Man, bids you welcome,” said Hermione. “We bid theHaiti welcome,” came the reply, “and respectfully request its purpose.” “Too long have our races lived in mutual isolation,” said Hermione, being very careful that she allowed for no misinterpretation of her Galactic-O. “We humbly suggest that the time has come for our races to renew our brotherhood and open our space routes to free trade once again. As a gesture of our goodwill, we bear a cargo consisting of machines that will synthesize artificial fabrics, which we know that your miners will value highly. We ask nothing in return except the right of free trade with you.” “I am afraid that is out of the question,” replied the Ramorian. “Centuries ago our people had a taste of what free trade with Man means, and the memory of it still stings bitterly. You will not be molested, but you are forbidden to land on any world in our system. We appreciate your gesture of friendship, but we cannot and will not accept this or any other inducement to reopen any form of commerce with Deluros VIII or any other planet housing the race of Man.” Hermione cut the communication off, then turned to Barnes. “Ma'am?”

“I think the time has come for a more forceful gesture,” she said. “You say there are sixteen Teroni ships attacking the moons of the fifth planet. Can we destroy about a dozen of them without any great risk to ourselves?”


“Then have the crew do so, and chase the Teroni survivors out of this system in the general direction of their home planet.”

TheHaiti reached the beleaguered moons in a matter of minutes. With no warning whatsoever it blasted five Teroni ships out of existence before they even knew it was among them.

With theHaiti's speed, maneuvering power, and defenses, the remainder of the job was just a mop-up action. Its armaments—the end product of an arms race that had existed since the first caveman discovered the first femur bone—were devastating, and a few moments’ time saw it chasing the four surviving ships back toward Teron.

“Is there any way we can fake a disabling hit to theHaiti ?” asked Hermione. “Right now?” asked Barnes.

“Well, before the Teroni are beyond sight and sensor range. Then have the ship limp back to Ramor just fast enough so that they can't overhaul it.”
