blow them all to hell just to get the legislature off my back?”
“I am,” said Hill. “But with reservations.” “That's a comfort. I didn't know you had reservations about anything.” “Where it concerns physical or political survival, I'm the most reserved person you know,” said Hill. “I do not suggest that we launch an attack on the Canphor Twins or any other worlds. We have our image to consider.”
“Then what are you talking about?”
“I suggest that we repel an attack by the Canphor Twins on Deluros VIII,” said Hill. “You would have no objection to fighting them under those conditions, would you?” “None at all,” said Bellows. “However, I don't think they're any likelier to attack than we are.” “It's a pity that I wasn't born with your looks and that deep, thoughtful, resonant voice of yours, Josh,” said Hill with a little smile. “I could have achieved godhood within my own lifetime.” “I assume you're telling me how stupid I am,” said Bellows dryly. “Correct,” said Hill. “Not that I hold it against you. That's what you've gotme for.” “I'm not exactly surewhat you're here for, but it's not to start wars for me,” said Bellows with finality. “Consider the subject closed until such time as I personally reopen it.” Hill left the Governor's office and returned to his own, where two of his aides were waiting for him. “Any luck?” asked one.
Hill shook his head. “He just doesn't realize how much trouble he's in, and he's basically too humane to do anything to alleviate the situation.” He closed his eyes. “God save us from decent and moral leaders!” he added fervently.
“What's next?'’ asked the other.
“I'm not sure,” said Hill, scratching what little remained of his once-bushy head of hair. “For Man's sake and for his, we ought to do something. The problem is that he can countermand anything I do.” “If he does, they'll kick him out and make you Governor,” said the first aide. “What's so wrong with that?”
“You're going to find this hard to believe,” said Hill, staring at him, “but I'm not totally unidealistic myself. I know what Man has to do, and a lot of it isn't going to be very pretty. We need a Governor like Josh Bellows, one who can convince us that everything we're trying to accomplish, and the means we're using, is not only acceptable but basically moral. If Josh told us to wipe out twenty sentient races tomorrow, we'd be absolutely sure it was the proper thing to do; if I ordered it, everybody would think I was a power-mad dictator with delusions of grandeur. The people need a leader they can love, respect and damned near worship. Josh fills the bill, so we've got to see to it that he's the one who actually gets the ball rolling.”