In fact, uncommonly so.”

“You're sure it's not vomit?” asked Darlinski. “Absolutely,” said Jennings. “Vomit would still have some partially undigested food left. This stuff is all broken down. The body's taken most of what it needed, and this is what's left.” “We're learning things all the time,” said Darlinski. “I bet if they left the damned thing here for another year or so, I might even figure out what's killing it.” “According to the newstapes,” said Jennings, “you've got considerably less than a year.” “Don't remind me. What are the chances of it dying if I take some X-rays and fluoroscope it?” “I don't think the X-rays will do any harm. Under normal circumstances I'd say that fluoroscoping was out of the question until we knew more about it, but these are hardly normal circumstances, so you might as well go ahead.”

Two hours later Darlinski was looking at a number of X-rays that were laid out before him and cursing furiously.

“Well, boss?” asked Jennings on the intercom. “It can't have any broken bones,” said Darlinski. “The damned old girl doesn't have a bone in her entire body!”

“Learn anything from the fluoroscope?”

“Not a thing. I've seen insects with more complicated digestive systems. The food goes in, is carried to just about every cell in the body, and what remains will be coming out again in a day or so. All that's left is brain damage and how the hell do I know whether it exists or not until I've seen a working model of an undamaged brain?” He loosed another stream of curses. “This stupid creature just doesn't make any sense!”

“Agreed,'’ said Jennings. “You know those scrapings?” “What about them?”

“They're growing. Another week and they'll cover the whole damned slide.” “Could it be a form of cancer?” asked Darlinski. “No way,” came the reply. “No cancer I know of ever acted like this. These scrapings haven't been cultured; by rights, they should be dead and decaying.” “Besides, if there was some kind of skin cancer, I'd have spotted it before now,” agreed Darlinski. He stood up. “This is crazy! The respiratory system is working, the digestive system is working, the circulatory system is working. What the hell can be wrong with it?” “A stroke?” suggested Jennings.
