Two Canny Scotsmen Out with a Kite

Two canny Scotsmen out with a kite,

Out with a kite and a string,

Checking the wind and checking the light,

Saying, I'll have a wee pull if I might.

'˜Look at the fine wee thing in flight.'

(It makes the Scotsmen sing.)

Two canny Scotsmen out for a drink,

Out for a drink and a chat,

Out if the telly's gone on the blink,

Saying '˜It's your round I think.'

'˜Look at them washing the pots in the sink.'

(That's where the Scots are at.)'

Two canny Scotsmen down for the day,

Down for the day and the match,

'˜Aye but it's great to see them play.

'˜We always win both home and away.

'˜Hoots the noo, that's what I say.

'˜And what do you think you're looking

at, you Southern bastard? Take that!' etc.{3}
