Tall Tales and Jumping Beans

'˜Drat,' said the old enamel vicar,

Kept for purposes of pleasure,

Kept in the tiny sainted box,

Handed down through generations,

Spoken of by rising nations,

Blessed at festive celebrations,

And I use for my socks.

Twang, went the Mexican jumping bean,

Brought home from my travels,

Carried over distant seas,

Made venerable by Rose's mother,

Saying, not like any other,

Teaching, thou shalt love each other,

Which seems OK to me.

'˜Bye,' went Doc, as he boarded the plane,

Bound for the Amazon Basin,

Bound for the pygmies and tsetse fly,

Off in search of the Holy Grail,

Lost in the belly of Jonah's whale,

Personally, I think he'll fail,

But some say I'm a cynic.
