but he was expecting to see some evidence of lack of frugality. "Now, about the cannon service packs. The parts that need swapping out frequently. I asked for an explanation of why there have been so many misfires."
Velio consulted his datapad with the air of a man with a very good defense, or at least a robust excuse. "We ran random sampling on those packs yesterday for all the main cannon specs, and the service packs we buy are adequate."
"But we don't want adequate. We want best."
"We do have budget constraints, sir."
"Is this decision made by a department?"
"There's a senior purchasing officer, yes."
Jacen knew there was only one way to focus people who didn't quite understand what adequate meant in the field. He turned to the droid.
"Aitch, under the current powers, is there a mechanism by which I can co- opt civilian staff to carry out research?"
HM-3 hummed on the threshold of Jacen's normal hearing for a few seconds. "Yes, sir."
"Is there any restriction on location and conditions?"
"No, sir."
"That's what I like to hear." Jacen was starting to enjoy the rich scope for inventiveness that regulations gave him. They didn't limit his options at all: they created new ones. He started to see the joy of the letter of the law. "I'd like to meet the chief purchasing officer who signed off on the cannon packs."
Velio looked slightly bemused. "I take responsibility for what my staff do, sir."