chapter twelve
Ori'buyce, kih'kovid.
All helmet, no head.
—Mandalorian insult for someone with an overdeveloped sense of authority
Jacen Solo, in the formal uniform of a colonel of the Galactic Alliance Guard, stood outside the lobby of the Republica building flanked by Sergeant Wirut and Trooper Limm.
It was a real shame about Lekauf. He was a great loss. Ben had done well, but he should have been back at work right away. Jacen planned to talk to Shevu later about sending Ben on leave without clearing it with him first.
"You sure this is going to be enough, sir?" asked Wirut. "Just the three of us?"
Jacen smoothed his black gloves down over his fingers. It was one minute past midnight, and that made what he was about to do thoroughly legal, justified, and overdue.
"I don't think Chief Omas has a platoon up there, somehow."
Wirut didn't reply. Jacen was the first to admit that going to arrest the elected head of the most powerful organization in the galaxy with a couple of troopers was low-key, but he saw no point flooding the area with an entire company. Omas wouldn't put up a fight. If he did, one Jedi and two armed troopers were ample to deal with it.
Jacen opened the comlink to Niathal.