He didn't have to explain it to her. Suddenly he could see an orange ball accelerating toward him on a collision course and he flipped ninety degrees just in time for it to pass under him. The next thing he heard was Lumiya's voice saying, "Hull breach, she's venting atmosphere."
As Jacen came around again in a loop, orienting by feeling Mara in the Force once more, he could see a thin white trail moving at high speed toward the center of the cluster. Mara was hit, a slow leak either in the canopy or straight through the skin into the cockpit, and she was trying to land before a crack spread and became an explosive decompression. Even with a flight suit, her chances of surviving that were slim.
She was heading for Kavan. That suited Jacen fine. Once he had her on the ground he could take her, because even if she called in support, who would respond to someone in a battle with Jacen Solo? Not the Hapans.
Who would believe her? People many hours away.
He felt no violence or malice at all, but then he never did in combat. He just felt an overwhelming desire to win and survive, and all other emotions were pushed into the background.
He turned his attention to Lumiya.
"It's okay, Jacen," she said. "I know what you have to keep secret.
I'll make sure it stays that way—"
"You certainly will," he said, and locked all eight proton torpedoes on the Sith sphere. "This is what you taught me to be."
Jacen fired on her, and felt no triumph or shame, only temporary relief.
But he saw no explosion, no white-hot ball or glittering cloud of slow- tumbling debris. His onboard sensors picked up nothing.
Where was she? Was it a kill or not?