"I'm tabling it for next week, through Aitch-Em-Three."
"And in the meantime?"
"Leave that to me. I'll have someone there when Omas meets Gejjen."
Jacen checked his datapad. "He needs only a day to do his business with Gejjen, no more, so—my people have him under surveillance, ready to move.
Then we have evidence to present to G'Sil."
"And then you arrest him."
"I was thinking I might arrest him at the same time you present the evidence to G'Sil. When we move, we have to move fast. No room to be outmaneuvered."
Niathal let out a long breath. Jacen waited.
"I'll be ready to move on your signal. Make sure you keep me up to speed with all this, won't you?"
It was done. Jacen's takeover was in place. He had the GAG at his back, and Niathal would deliver the fleet as well as the army. With the right presentation of Omas selling out to the Corellians, it would be a very orderly coup.
There was no need for unnecessary bloodshed. That was what this was all about: an end to violence, chaos, and instability.
That was worth everything he was risking.
Jacen took an air taxi back to a plaza a few minutes' walk from the GAG HQ: just another citizen, no sleek black GA transport, no privilege.
Either the driver didn't recognize the uniform, or he hesitated to say, Here, you're the chief of the secret police, aren't you? It was a silent,