The only person whose death he knew would make him feel good and not just competent was Jacen Solo.
Better that you rot than die. I can wait. Thanks for motivating me to survive.
I'm back.
Fett checked his face in the mirror for missed beard, double-checked with his fingertips, then lowered his helmet over his head. The world became sharp and fully comprehensible again with all the extra senses built into his armor. At a time when other men had failing eyesight and unreliable hearing, Fett could see through solid walls and eavesdrop kilometers away. There was a lot to be said for smart tech. He flexed his fingers in his gauntlets, finally feeling complete and girded against the world.
Yes, I really am back.
He rode the speeder bike into Keldabe and hammered on the doors of the vet's surgery. She had her name on a durasteel plate: HAYCA MEKKET.
A man leaned out of the open upper window, looking bleary-eyed, and stared down at Fett. He disappeared again. "Sweetness," he bellowed.
"It's your special patient."
The vet appeared at the window. "I suppose I've got to open early, especially for you."
"Haven't you got any letters after your name?"
"Nerfs can't read. Why bother?"
"Got my results?"