Our contacts on Corellia are working out a time and place. You'll have to be ready to go at a moment's notice."
Ben wondered how he was meant to kill Gejjen. It seemed a sacrilege to use a lightsaber. He concentrated on the practicalities and logistics, pondering briefly on where the hit would take place, how close he could get, and what would work best—blaster, projectile, or something more exotic.
There was his mother's vibroblade, but Ben wasn't sure he had the stomach to use it in cold blood. He only knew how to defend himself and others, not how to hunt for the sole purpose of killing.
"You can do it," said Jacen, who always seemed to know his thoughts. "Same techniques you use already—just a different mindset. Go talk to the sniper team."
The best person he could have consulted on the finer points of assassination was his mother, once the Emperor's Hands, the best assassin of her day. Hey, Mom, is a head shot best? Double tap or triple? Do you think a silenced blaster is a better option than a lightsaber?
Ben knew that was a conversation he could never have.
Jacen watched Ben leave the briefing room and took a deep breath.
It was all he could do to keep the breath steady and not let it become a sob.
I can't do this.
I can't kill him.
If the Force had made things clearer, explained explicitly what he had to do —go here, kill this, recite that—then it might have been easier.
It was not knowing that was unbearable; not knowing if he was reading too much into the uncertain interpretations of knotted tassels, into Lumiya's vague pronouncements, into parallels with his grandfather that might not