interim government while the Chief of State's office is thoroughly investigated."
"I like Jacen," G'Sil said, suddenly very quiet. "But is he reliable these days?"
"Reliable for what?"
"I would never have authorized the Gejjen business. It was . . .
"It's done. Corellia is wobbling a little, because their assorted lunatic fringes have given us a massive bonus by claiming they did it.
Bothawui has been brought up short, because they probably think we did it but can't believe we had the nerve, and—well, I never thought I'd live to say this, but those ghastly little Mandalorian savages have been wonderfully helpful."
"Cha, I don't want to worry you, but have you noticed they're rearming? With Verpine tech, too?"
"I certainly have. Best news of the week."
"They must teach you something at staff college that's beyond us lesser mortals."
Niathal checked the chrono. She had ten minutes to psych herself up into appearing as a safe pair of hands, reluctant to take the burden of the reins of state and anxious to hand them back as soon as the current unpleasant business was over. Yes, she meant that, too. She wanted the Chief of State's post, but she wanted a genuine mandate to do it; and there was no better way to achieve that than to show she could be a responsible leader in this most extreme of situations.
When she finally ran for office, the electorate would know her by her deeds.