Early the next morning, Joe padded out into the living room, where Emma lay stretched out over the sofa, watching TV. He kissed her on the shoulder and she turned, her gorgeous hair falling neatly out of the way.

He loved the way it did that. In fact he loved pretty much everything about her.

‘Hey!’ she said, in that lovely warm voice of hers.

‘I missed you!’ he said. ‘I woke up alone in bed, and you weren’t there. Is everything OK?’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ she said. ‘I just woke up and fancied a bit of… me time. Little bit of TV and the sofa.’

‘Is everything all right?’ he asked, worried. ‘Was I snoring? Did I take up too much of the duvet?’

She smiled, and pulled him close to her, kissing the back of his neck where his hair was neatly shaved. ‘No, it’s nothing,’ she said softly. ‘I just… it takes time for me to get used to sharing the bed with someone.’

He wrapped his arms around her. ‘Well, I’ve got used to you already,’ he breathed as he nuzzled her, and she felt the slight stubble brush across her shoulder and giggled.

‘Oh, Joe,’ she said. ‘It’s only been a few hours.’

‘Yeah, I know.’ Joe grinned wickedly. ‘But I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. And I’ve certainly never… well, not in a car. You’re wicked! And you’re special.’

‘Am I?’

‘Yeah, you’re perfect.’ He kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her. ‘You’re perfect and you’re mine.’

She sighed happily.

‘I want you to meet my friends,’ said Joe. ‘They’ll love you.’

‘I’m sure they will,’ sighed Emma again. She reached across for the ash tray and lit a cigarette. She offered a drag to Joe, but he shook his head. ‘You know I’ve given up for you, babes.’

She looked at him as she dragged on her cigarette.

He sometimes wished he knew what was going on in her perfect head. He wished he could read her thoughts so that he could make her life even better. She had everything – and she wanted him. He knew he had to try very hard to live up to her. To be worthy of her.

She ran a hand through her hair. ‘What’s your favourite film?’ she asked.

He tutted. ‘You know better than to ask a bloke that. There are so many – and several of them just jostling for a place in the Top Ten. Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Proper Star Wars, the Die Hards… You know what it’s like. What’s yours?’

She considered. ‘Breakfast At Tiffany’s.’

Joe nodded. ‘Oh yeah. That’s in the list. In fact it’s my favourite, pretty much.’

She laughed, delighted, and kissed him. ‘You’re so funny!’

He looked at her, puzzled. ‘No, it really is. Have I said something wrong?’

Emma’s laugh died, but she continued to look at him.

He felt suddenly tired and wanted to go back to bed. ‘I feel suddenly tired and want to go back to bed,’ he said, and did.

Thank you.
