hese were dark days for Shadwell.

He had emerged from the Fugue in high spirits – possessed of a new breadth of purpose – only to have the world he wished so much to rule snatched from beneath his nose. Not only that, but Immacolata, to whom he might have looked for assistance, had apparently elected to remain in the Weave. She was, after all, one of the Seerkind, even though they’d spurned her. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so surprised that once back on soil she’d once pretended to she’d been moved to remain there.

He was not completely bereft of company. Norris, the Hamburger King, was still at his beck and call, still content with servitude. And of course there was Hobart. The Inspector was probably insane, but that was all to the good. And he had one particular aspiration which Shadwell knew he might one day need to turn to his own ends. That was, to lead – as Hobart put it – a righteous crusade.

There was little use of a crusade, however, with nothing to mount it against. Five long months had passed, and every day that went by with the carpet unfound his desperation grew. Unlike others who’d stepped from the Fugue that night, he remembered the experience in the finest detail. The jacket – charged with the raptures of the realm – kept the memories fresh. All too fresh. Scarcely an hour passed without his craving to be there.

There was more to his hunger than simply the desire to possess the Fugue. In these long weeks of waiting he’d come to a yet profounder ambition. If, and when, that soil was once more his to tread, he’d do what none of the Seerkind had ever dared; he’d go into the Gyre. This notion, once conceived, tormented his every waking moment. Penalties might have to be paid for such trespass, but would they not be worth the risk? Hidden behind that mask of cloud, the Mantle, was a concentration of magic unequalled in the history of the Seerkind, and therefore, in the history of the world.

Creation held court in the Gyre. To walk there, and see its secrets for himself, would that not be a kind of Godhood?
