
When the air was thick and stale, Ginny touched a sensor and a sac opened, releasing spiders and other many-legged wigglers to crawl over the prisoner.

Three hours after the pod was ejected from the ship, Betalli died, filthy and raving.

Ginny smiled and exploded the pod.

He didn’t want the little lives to suffer more than they had to.

He deployed Betalli’s android force to dump the dead out the lock, then took samples from the unconscious crewmen and brewed up a comealong that would turn them into permanent zombies. It cut their efficiency way down, but he wouldn’t need them long, just long enough to get him to the nearest clandestine Pit where he could hire some temporary efficiency and ersatz loyalty. He thought a moment about Ajeri and the Paems, sighed, and gave orders to his clutch of Zombies.

Crew first. Then Weersyll and Bolodo Neyuregg. Then Shadith. Then Mimishay. Then-

Trolling In The Tavern: Autumn Rose Begins To Play A Big Fish
