
Miji pattered through the corridors, growing more restless as the minutes passed; dawn was approaching and he needed to be out of this place and in his burrow before the sun was up.

Rohant brought him back through the maze of corridors, took him out to the exercise court; he gave the sakali a mindrub, felt him wriggle with pleasure, then let him go.

Miji dived into the murky water of the sump, swam vigorously through the outflow pipe and went scurrying off, hurrying to get home before the sun brought the tjejunga birds out hunting for stray sakalis and other small-lives.


He was ready to go.

He had his escape route planned. Into the Novice living quarters, out into the Novice garden, through the Pleasure House to the Postern Gate that stood open night and day (far as he could tell), propped open by something cold and heavy that Miji didn’t like touching. Once he was outside the Compound, he’d head for the nearest cover and keep running, hoping he could stay clear long enough to get outside the range of their seekers. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it was better than sitting around on his tailbone waiting to be skinned for the amusement of these stupid sheep.

There were three conditions that had to be met before he could make his try.

He had to be out of his cell; only the kephalos could open that grill for him.

He had to have a means of overcoming his flesh guards, always two of them, one going before him, the other following.

He had to have a way of distracting the android guard, one android always, always the same one.

Leaving the cell was no problem. For one reason or another he was out nearly every day.

The guards weren’t a problem either. Thanks to Miji.
