
Kikun wiggled his ears.

Rose snorted. “All right, so I was exaggerating a little. It’s nice to have and I don’t like being cheated. And I knew about the credit-link when I said all that-so what? I meant it. In essence. If the credit-link weren’t available, I’d walk away without a quiver.”

“All right.”

She yawned. “Let’s get some sleep. We’ve got a few hours while they finish the count.”

“I think we ought to talk about…”

“Later, Kuna, later. Plenty of time.”


Autumn Rose pulled the door shut, came in sliding the credit bracelet back on her wrist. “That’s done.” She flung herself into a chair. “Clearing up out there. Getting ready to put all that metal away.” She checked her ringchron. “Two hours till dawn.” She held out her arm. “Mark me, Kuna. I need to know where you are.”


“Just do it, hmm? I’ll explain in a minute. Hurry, we haven’t got much time.”

He widened his eyes, flicked his ears. If she wasn’t going to talk, nothing he could do to make her. He looked past her.

Grandmother Ghost the Lael-Lenox was in the corner sitting on Otter’s back, giggling in a way she had when something was about to hit him in the face. She wasn’t going to talk either.

Sighing with exasperation, he nuzzled Rose’s arm, felt her heat up and tremble. That wasn’t something he wanted to think about so he didn’t.

“All right, that’s done. What now?”

“Hadluk and juhFeyn should still be out there. Take a look and see, hmm?”

He looked at Grandmother Ghost. She nodded. “I don’t have to look,” he said. “They are.”

“Good. Kuna, stun them and tuck them away under one of those benches. We can’t let juhFeyn button up this place, we need to leave without a major fuss. I have to get ready for Barracuda, so I can’t do it.”


“Uh-huh. Second break, he made his move. Came on to me, strong.” She grinned. “Annoyed Sunhawk which I wasn’t unhappy about, you better believe. I made like I was fluttered and flattered by his… um… masculine force. Made an assignation with him for after the count. He wouldn’t come here, the jerk, so. I’m supposed to go across and knock at his door. Twenty minutes on. See?”

“Nice when they do it to themselves.”

“Uh-huh. Got your stunner?”


“Sorry. So go, will you?”
