
Hadluk was stacking the last of the gold coins on the second cart when Kikun stepped into the Gameroom; juhFeyn was moving around the room, straightening a pillow or two, checking to make sure the maids had swept properly and all the glass straws, spoons, forks, napkins and other paraphernalia had been cleared away.

Kikun stood in the shallow recess of the doorway, waited until both had their backs to him, lifted the stunner. For a moment he couldn’t touch the sensor, all he could see was Sai falling and falling, hitting the floor, hitting the wharf, falling into the water. His hand shook. Grandmother Ghost slid a hand through the door, pinched him hard. He moved his thumb, hit juhFeyn first, then Hadluk. Then scooted across to them to make sure they were still alive, Grandmother Ghost clucking after him.

The pulse was strong under his fingers. He closed his eyes.

Grandmother Ghost patted him gently, he could feel her soft hands touching him:

All right, baby, all right. Cum-ya, cum-ya, Gramma’s chile.

He got to his feet, began moving the bodies under the nearest bench.
