Autumn Rose stalked in, tore the hood from her head and flung it on the floor, plucked the pins from the knot she’d twisted her hair into and tossed them on the hood. She shook her head, scratched her fingers vigorously through her hair, turning it into a fright wig. She flung her arms out. “Aaaaghhhh!”

Kikun chuckled, tilted his head. “Well?”


“Clean ’em?”

“Near enough.” She scowled at a knock on the door, combed her hands through her hair, trying to smooth it down. “It’s not locked.”

Jao juhFeyn came in. Hadluk a shadow behind him. Jao bowed, straightened. “Autumn Rose, you are the sole net winner. Do you understand that you’ll be paying my full fee?”

“You made that quite clear.”

“Will you trust me with the count, or would you prefer to do it yourself?”

“Do it. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. What do you charge for using your credit-link?”

His eyes laughed at her, his teeth were very white between the black beard and mustache. “Be my guest,” he said. “My fee is large enough to embarrass even me.”

“I doubt that, but I’ll take your offer.”

“No no, this is a win that will make legends, Autumn Rose. There’ll be stories about it after we’re both dead.” He sobered. “You have your credit bracelet with you?”

“Naturally. When the count is finished, wake me. I want to transfer a third of the net to Helvetia, the rest I’ll bank here. I have to pay my backers.”

“Ah. I see. It will be several hours. Sleep well, you’ve earned it.” He left.

Hadluk winked at her, followed him out.
