
“… hot Kirtaa,” Angakirs was saying. “You know about Probrantarradad, ’s been going on forever. We nibble at them, they nibble at us.”

She heard creaks and cushion whispers as Pirs shifted in his chair. “I know. We get Kurn’s tumaks out here when he comes up with the cash to hire them.”

“Well, he picked up a backer two weeks ago. Kamaachadad. Old Mulyas and Kurn had a secret meeting round then. Kamaachadad found out who carried his daughter off a couple years ago. Bitch. She went willing, eager even. Rintirry swore it. Trouble is she ran off, tried to abort the cub and bled to death. That chal-what was his name? Don’t remember. It’s not important. The one Rintirry made so much of. Once Tirry was dead, he got to feeling Utilas wasn’t treating him right and he ran off to the Brush, but before he did, he sold us. Mulyas sent me the Warblade a week ago, along with the kind of letter a sane man would have burned. He hit us at Caghar Rinta the next day. It was a close thing, Pirs.”

“Kamaachadad. Amur bless. He’s got more sons than he has chals.”

“Five less now.”

“Rintirry, damn his soul to hell, why…”

Mingas stirred, cleared his throat. “Rintirry’s dead.”

Angakirs’ hand splatted against chair leather. “Keep your mouth from Rintirry, both of you. I don’t want to hear that. Pirs, I want you and fifty of your men at Caghar Rinta. You’ve got a son now, your Matja can keep busy with him, she doesn’t need you.”

“Fifty men, we can’t spare fifty men. You know we’re coming on Shearing Days.”

“I know you owe me. I’m your father and this Rinta is still mine till you pay the last payment. Your chals are sworn to me, I could take them all if I called in my rights.”

Mingas spoke again, very softly. “Our father has lost one son, Pirs. Our best fighter. Lost him because you were careless. You have a moral duty to replace that son.”

Angakirs said nothing, but Shadith, listening, had no doubt of his agreement with that.

Pirs drew a long shuddery breath, let it out again, the hiss loud in continuing silence. “All right,” he said finally. “I’ll come and I’ll bring the men. If you arm them. I will not strip this Rinta for you, not even for you.”

“What good are men without arms?”

“I will not strip this Rinta.”

“Well, get them to me and I’ll arm them.”

“No, Father. Send the guns here, good guns and ammunition for them. As soon as the weapons are here, my trucks will roll.”

“We need drugs and cloth and other supplies, I’ll give you a list. Bring a truckload of those with the men.”

“All right.” The chair creaked again.

Shadith made the rodent creep forward until she could see what was happening.

Pirs was on his feet. “Father,” he said. “Mingas.” He turned and walked out.
